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Just Be - Yoga and Wellness Center

522 Haverhill Road, Chester, United States
Recreation & Fitness



Offering an inclusive yoga practice for people of all ages & abilities with a focus on physical well-being, mental harmony & spiritual consciousness. Jennifer Bukowski is a graduate of the YogaLife Institutes 200-hour Classical Yoga Teacher Training Program and certified in the Usui Reiki Tradition and is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance.

“When I enrolled in Teacher Training, my intention wasn’t necessarily to become a teacher. I had attended yoga classes on and off for 15 years, and had always viewed it as another form of exercise. It wasn’t until I took my first Gentle Yoga Class at YogaLife that I became aware of how much more yoga has to offer in the way of self study. The TT program provided a safe space to explore unresolved trauma.  These “issues in my tissues” presented in so many unhealthy behaviors until I was finally able to find the courage to accept and move through them. I was given permission to examine and deconstruct the fear based belief system I clung to my entire life, a system that kept me small, that kept me self sabotaging because I was afraid to fail, but even more afraid to succeed. Through the TT experience, I’ve learned that the opposite of love isn’t hate - it’s fear so now, I chose love. The yogic lifestyle  has brought me to the path of self-acceptance and is a profound practice of self-care that enables me to live in balance with my being. I believe many people are feeling disconnected from their bodies, their communities and their own sense of being. I didn’t go into Teacher Training thinking I would come out a teacher, but the experience proved to be far too important not to share. I offer public and private classes in my “yoga shack” on my farm in Chester, NH (Just Be - Yoga & Wellness Center) and take every opportunity available to continue my studies with the YogaLife Institute.”


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