Highlands Homeowner's Association, INC
A place for the residents of The Highlands community to gain information/& ask questions to the Directors of Highlands Homeowner's Association, The page is for the residents of the Highlands community to gain information and ask questions, and/or make comments/suggestions to the Board of Directors of the Highlands Homeowner's Association, INC. The Directors will also be able to inform residents of information pertaining to changes in the monthly meeting schedule, events occurring in the development, and information on contacting the Officers on the board..All posts from residents will be taken to the Board of Directors of the Highlands Homeowner's Association,INC.
at the following monthly meeting, and residents will be kept updated as needed. Homeowner's have the ability to send a private message to the Board of Directors if they wish, and they will be answered in the same manner. The Board hopes to be able to keep the residents more fully informed of events, upcoming meetings, contact persons, and gain further insight to our neighbors ideas for the community.
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