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Caulkins Consulting

, Ceres, United States
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To let more people know about my consulting services and to let them learn about this person known as "PhilModJunk" found in FileMaker forums. This page is to let you know about what Caulkins Consulting has to offer. I  can provide you with custom database solutions that work over networks, on your iPhone and iPads and which can also be published to the web. I can update and enhance your current database solution. I can provide you or your employees with additional training in how to work with or develop solutions using FileMaker Pro and I now offer a kind of "eMagazine"--Adventures in FileMaking. These are instructional Database files that show you how to accomplish interesting results with a FileMaker Pro database.


It's been quite a while since I've done any work with my Adventures in FileMaking series, but I've just finished upgrading Adventures in FileMaking #2 - Enhanced Value Selection I've added a number of new features: Two new topics: Checkboxes with Scrollbars II -- Uses a related table for recording what values were selected. Button bars as Value Lists -- shows how to set up a button bar to act like a value list. This trick can be very nice on iOS based solutions I've also added a Flexible SQL tool that I use for creating queries used with ExecuteSQL that do not break if a field or table occurrence name is changed. And I've slipped in some updates of the intro, acknowledgement and resources pages to reflect that things have changed since this file was originally released. The same download link still works, so fee free to download the file again and check out what's new.

Caulkins Consulting

Hi friends, Here's a bit more info about my son's planned trip to Japan. If you'd like to help him out, please like or share.

Caulkins Consulting

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Hi folks. This is my son. He's a senior in High School and getting straight A's in advanced placement courses. This has included 3 years of taking Japanese. This year, he has the opportunity to travel to Japan and stay with a host Japanese family. His teacher has told him that since he is his best student in Japanese, he will be expected to give a short thank you speech in Japanese to the host Japanese school. The trip will also include a visit to Hiroshima and its memorial. Unfortunately, we are having trouble scraping up the $$ to pay for his trip. On his own initiative, he's opened up a go fund me account. So for those of you looking for a new way to say "thank you" for help you may have received from me over in the FileMaker Community Forum, here are two new ways: You can donate towards his trip You can share this post to your Social Media pages in order to give him more exposure. Any assistance on your part will be greatly appreciated. Here's the link:

Timeline Photos
