MJ Fit
I have been working as a personal trainer for the last 4 years. I have a bachelors in Sports Managment and train independently in Centennial, CO! My passion is in working with women to achieve their best selves. Empowering women to be strong and independent in the gym and comfortable in their own skin is my mission. I have a bachelors degree in Sports Management, a nationally accredited personal training certification as well as several specialty certifications.
My specialties include: weight loss training, functional training, corrective exercise, flexibility/mobility training, HIIT, olympic weightlifting, athletic training and circuit training. I also have a sports nutrition certification, so diet and nutrition counseling is also available! I train both online and in person.
I am looking to take on a few more clients both online and in-person here in Denver. Currently, I am running a special of 1 free session for any client (or past client) of mine who refers a friend, and then that friend would receive 10% off their first package!
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facebook.comI love creating delicious and healthy treats for my clients, and here is a yummy recipe I made this week that I wanted to share! Breakfast #proteinmuffins anyone? http://www.mjfitnatic.com/2018/04/super-protein-muffins.html
Now is the perfect time to "spring" into a new you! Through the second week in May, I am offering a promotion for new and returning personal training clients! If you're struggling to hold onto the motivation you had in January, don't give up hope! There is no wrong time to begin a lifestyle change, and hiring an experienced, educated trainer will ensure you're successful! #inspiringwomen #inspiringyouth #weightloss #embracesuccess #lifestylechange For more information & to schedule your complimentary consultation: http://mjfit.co/
Although sometimes subtle, it is important to take note of any imbalances you may have developed. Over time, slight imbalances or deviations can worsen and cause serious injury or compensations. While sometimes it could be structural, focusing on mobility drills, stretching overactive muscles and strengthening under-active muscles will usually correct the imbalance before it becomes a bigger problem! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 #mjfit #denverpersonaltrainer #correctiveexercise #denverfit #denverfitness #duathlete #girlpower
As a trainer specializing in working with children and young adults who have learning disabilities, I know how important it is to make exercise FUN! I cater all my programs to the individual I am working with and have seen such incredible improvements in self esteem and coordination in all my clients! 👍🏼💪🏼 #thatfacetho #balancetraining #mjfit #denvertrainer #autismtraining #autismawareness
My Centennial Health & Wellness event was the first of many to come! It was such a pleasure getting to know more about @amandajohnsondc chiropractic practice, @totallymobilept physical therapy and @rexiusco awesome stock of supplements!! ❤️💪🏼 #mjfit #denverfit #instafit #denverwellness #fitnessmotivation #swolesaturday #denverchiropractor #greenwoodvillage
2 and a half more days until this awesome event!! I am excited to provide an all-inclusive educational health & wellness open house to my clients and neighbors this Saturday! The event is open to the public and free to attend, so stop by for a post-workout snack and to meet local health and wellness small business owners! Oh, and be sure to wear your green! 🍀 https://www.facebook.com/events/282798395584807/
I didn’t win this one, but it was a personal growth experience I feel will make me a better mentor, trainer and nutritionist to my clients. I’m excited to hit it hard this month to see what I can achieve before stepping onto the NPC stage in April!! ❤️💪🏼 #mjfit #ocbbikini #denverpersonaltrainer #denverfit #denverfitness
Don’t miss the opportunity to come check out my health and wellness event NEXT Saturday the 17th! Stop in for a bit after your workout to grab a snack and learn how to better manage your health and fitness goals!! Feel free to reach out for details! ❤️💪🏼 #denverfit #mjfit #healthylifestyle #rexiusnutrition
In honor of International Women’s Day, here is a shoutout to all my lovely lady clients! I couldn’t imagine my life without such supportive, hardworking and loyal clients!! 💋❤️ #mjfit #personaltraining #denverfitness #denvergym
Gotta love balance and core training all wrapped up into one exercise! I typically do this with my athletes as it is pretty tough and compound, but I would recommend this rotational chest pass to anyone having trouble with coordination and mobility in the transverse plane! 😁💪🏼 #mjfit #denverpersonaltrainer #denverfit #denverfitness
I am so honored to be a vendor and speaker at this wonderful open house event with Humanex Academy! It was a pleasure getting to talk with this awesome group of kiddos a few weeks ago about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating! ❤️💪🏼 #autismawareness #specialneeds #strongkids #learningdisabilities
No exercise is complete without an epic pose at the end! 😜👍🏼Way to go Alec! I am so amazed with how much his coordination and stamina has improved since we’ve started working together! #thatfacetho #balancetraining #mjfit #denvertrainer #autismtraining #autismawareness #learningdisabilities #proprioception