Gracie Barra Cedar Park
Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu School Gracie Barra Cedar Park instructs men, women, and children in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at a world-class level. We teach the principles of self-defense, physical fitness, and self confidence. Schedule a class today!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow" #goals #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark
Don't miss the opportunity to give what you love the most to your friends or family and receive a brand NEW GB Gi!! Visit the front desk for more info.
Like the pictures that we are posting? Follow the link below to our website to view more fantastic pictures and videos! #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark…/photos-videos-cedar-park
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. #futurechampions #smallthingsinlife #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark
Don't miss the opportunity to give what you love the most to your friends or family and receive a brand NEW GB Gi!! Visit the front desk for more info. #giftcertificate #holidays #gifts #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark
"The curriculum we use at our classes is also a key component to safety. Our curriculum was developed by master Carlos Gracie Jr. and dozens of the black belt teachers at Gracie Barra, picking the techniques and drills that are appropriate for their stage of development for each class. And on top of all of that, the environment of mutual support at any Gracie Barra school is very inspiring, where every student is taught that the most important thing is not how many people you can beat, but how many people you can help." #thegbmethod #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark
Jiu-Jitsu is a vehicle for which we can experience the virtue of personal growth. It provides the structure, support, accountability, and decision making skills that we need for growth both on and off the mats. #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark
Did you know we also have a Teen Jiu-Jitsu Program? Follow the link to get more info or schedule a FREE trial class! #gbteens #jiujitsuteens #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark…/kids-martial-arts-cedar-park-…
The Gracie Barra team has always been and will always be marked by mutual support among its members. In Gracie Barra we cheer and vibrate with all the energy we have and the GB blood pulses in our veins every time our athletes enter the arenas of Jiu-Jitsu around the world. #gbteam #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark
Check out more information about our Tiny Champions program and all of our other GB Kids programs on our website! #gbaustin #gbcedarpark #graciebarra #graciebarraaustin #graciebarracedarpark #bjjaustin #bjjcedarpark #selfdefenseaustin #jiujitsu #jiujitsuaustin #mma #mmacedarpark…/kids-martial-arts-cedar-park-tx