Cary United Methodist Church
The people of Cary United Methodist Church strive to cultivate personal relationships with Jesus Christ and offer opportunities for worship.
Tell your friends
facebook.comNew Member Orientation Sunday, May 21, 9:30 am, in the church library
CUMC’s All Church Dinner and Silent Auction with the ‘Angels in the Fairway’ Golf Outing: Coming up on Monday, June 12 at Cary Country Club.
Honor CUMC Music Leaders Sunday, May 14, 9:30 am For a special reception in Fellowship Hall!
SUMMER WORSHIP HOURS Sunday, June 4 - August 27 Worship 9 am Fellowship 10 am Sunday School 10:15 am
Books ‘n Bagels Join us on Friday, May 5, 7 - 9 pm at Panera in Fox River Grove, as we discuss the book "We Are Called to Rise" by Laura McBride.
Rainbow Garden Womens' Event Sunday, May 7th, 3:30-5:00pm Dinner served by the Men's Group Entertainment by the Cary-Grove Swing Choir Tickets are still available - $10 adults, $5 kids, under 3 free
New Choir Members Welcome: CHANCEL CHOIR: 8th grade through adults. Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in the sanctuary. Sings 8:30 am weekly, except 11 am on the third Sunday of the month, plus seasonal services. HANDBELL CHOIR: 8th grade through adults. Rehearsals: Mondays at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Plays the third Sunday of each month, at both services. We are in need of subs, but YOU MUST BE ABLE TO READ MUSIC!!!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday, June 19- Friday, June 23 Our Summer VBS is one of the major ways Cary UMC reaches out to the families in our community. Through VBS, children can experience the love of God in fun and experiential ways. They even get to participate in missions, helping other children in a different part of the world. Our own youth and adults also have an opportunity to witness to our community through their gifts. Would you like to be a part this great experience? We have plenty of opportunities for you to serve! Check out the "I Can Do This!" sign-up sheet in the attendance books in each pew on Sunday and the Nurture bulletin board. Let us know what you can do to support this very important ministry to our community.
Cary United Methodist Church has a part-time position open for a Music Director. This is a paid position. Contact Pastor Mike at 847-639-7627
CMP PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION INFO 2017/2018 School Year Registration forms are available in the Church or Preschool office. At the time of registration a non-refundable fee of $75.00 will be required to hold a class position.
We continue to pray for the family of our Music Director, Kathleen Gentes, who passed away on November 11. A Memorial Service for Kathleen will be held here at Cary UMC on Sunday, December 11 at 1:30 pm.
Breakfast with Santa
Craft Group will be hosting The Kris Kringle Shop a mini bazaar during Breakfast with Santa. Look for gifts and home decor.