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Carefree Fine Art and Wine Festival

101 Easy St, Carefree, United States
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The streets of downtown Carefree are closed for Thunderbird Artists festivals, making room for over 165 artists and an excess of 5,000 original artworks.  21st Annual Carefree Fine Art & Wine Festival

October 31st, November 1st & 2nd, 2014

22nd Annual Carefree Fine Art & Wine Festival

January 16th, 17th & 18th, 2015

20th Annual Carefree Fine Art & Wine Festival

February 27th, 28th, March 1st, 2015

The streets of downtown Carefree are closed for Thunderbird Artists festivals, making room for more than 165 artists and an excess of 5,000 original masterpieces of fine art. Artists’ works include small, medium, life-size and monumental bronze sculptures, metal, clay, wood, stone, glass and mixed media sculptures. There is an array of pottery, photography, hand crafted jewelry, batiks and select fine crafts. There are also spectacular oil and acrylic paintings on canvas, watercolors, pastel, charcoal, etchings and mixed media paintings. Subject matter ranges from Southwest and traditional to contemporary and abstract, including floral, wildlife, European, African and Native American art to name a few. The festival offers a wide variety of mediums, styles, sizes, subject matters and price ranges, to ensure there is something that appeals to everyone.

The Carefree Fine Art & Wine Festivals are enhanced by the beautiful Sonoran Desert backdrop of Carefree. Thunderbird Artists holds the title of Arizona’s largest wine-tasting events, featuring first-class wines from around the world. These festivals touch each of the senses, with fine wines, mouthwatering chocolates, the visual feast of art and the subtle sound of ambient music.  After taking in all the sights and sounds of the festival, make sure and leave yourself time to discover Carefree’s assortment of unique shops, boutiques, galleries restaurants and outdoor cafes.


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