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Alone Time

2531 Clarendon Ave NW, Canton, United States
Health Spa



Alone Time feels like you hit the restart button for your body & mind. Both body and mind equally benefit from a session of floating. Find out more today!


I had some Alone Time today. I could have sat and wondered about what other people were doing. I could have spent time time thinking about my past. I could have thought about the future and dreamed about my dreams. But instead, I just did what I wanted to do. I explored my own creativity. I didn't replicate something I had seen - I didn't worry about doing anything to capture any one else's attention. I just expressed myself. There is a lot more to that than this picture... but, hey, it's okay to keep some things just for yourself.

“Silence” by Thich Nhat Hanh

Dear Alone Timers, it is with mixed emotions that I write this current update. The landlord of our new location had his lawyer inform us a couple of days ago that he has sold the property to a government agency two months into our year lease and we must vacate the property before May 1st. We were deeply looking forward to introducing our floatation room to Canton, Ohio. It is our belief that this is an experience that shouldn't have to wait for those who are interested in trying it and for those who have discovered how floating benefits them in their own way. As such, we encourage you to not wait for your first float. Give another center a try while we search for a property to purchase: a place where we can offer floating at the nation's most affordable prices with the most comfortable environment inside and out of the floatation room. A place where you can rest your senses while you float and then enjoy all of your senses at our facility when you aren't in a float session. We will turn this misfortune into an opportunity. We know the potential that floating will unlock for Canton, the healing it offers, and maintain our excitement for the future. Please remain positive with us, as we hold no resentment or ill will for any of the parties involved. We only want good for our community and that is why we will continue to work to bring floating to Canton.
