LUX Hair Company, LLC
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facebook.comBEFORE↔AFTER😍😍😍 Stylist: Jessica @jessica_k_hair #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonhairstylist #cantonmichigan #haircolorist #haircolor #hairtransformation #mastercolorist #masterstylist #behindthechair #btconeshot_hairpaint18 #btcpics #modernsalon #hairposts #hairpostz #allaboutdahair #fabulouslytrendy #styleartists #lovewhatyoudo #balayage #businessofbalayage #beautylaunchpad #chialamarvici
This V I B R A N T💥R E D❤V I O L E T💜 is 💣😍✔ Stylist: Jenna @hairbyjsmith521 #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonmichigan #michiganhairstylist #guytang #hairbesties #pulpriotfireball #pulpriotjam #pulpriot #hairordye #dyedlife #matrixsocolor #matrixsored #redviolethair #hairoftheday #allaboutdahair #modernsalon #behindthechair #btconeshot_vibrant18 #btcpics #unicorntribe #beautylaunchpad #fabulouslytrendy #hairposts #hairpostz #lovewhatyoudo #haircolor #haircolorist #styleartists #mastercolorist
🚨❤T R A N S F O R M A T I O N➿T U E S D A Y🚨❤ Stylist: Jessica @jessica_k_hair #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonmichigan #cantonhairstylist #michiganhairstylist #transformationtuesday #balayage #businessofbalayage #mastersofbalayage #balayagedhair #styleartists #hairtransformation #hairpostz #hairposts #fabulouslytrendy #behindthechair #btcpics #btconeshot_hairpaint18 #letspaint #blondebalayage #allaboutdahair #hairmakeupdiary #redken #matrix #matrixusa #olaplex #chialamarvici #samvilla #samvillahair
The ➰D I M E N S I O N➰ in this gorgeous😍 HIGH⬆LOW⬇ combo is 🔥🔥🔥 Stylist: Jessica @jessica_k_hair #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonmichigan #cantonhairstylist #michiganhairstylist #dimensionalhair #highlights #lowlights #balayage #thiscolorcombo #haircolor #haircolorist #lovewhatyoudo #businessofbalayage #modernsalon #behindthechair #btcpics #btconeshot_hairpaint18 #hairpostz #hairposts #styleartists #allaboutdahair #fabulouslytrendy #beautylaunchpad
This B L U E💙B L A C K🖤 has us like 😍😍😍 Stylist: Jenna
Before and After ombré By our stylist Jill ❤️
☘️💚TRY YOUR LUCK WITH OUR “DRYER DIAL”💚☘️ 🍀Come in on St. Patrick’s Day for your chance to spin and WIN 15,20,30, or 50% OFF ANY RETAIL PRODUCTS!!🍀 #luxhairco #luxhaircompany #cantonmichigan #cantonhairstylist #michiganhairstylist #stpatricksday #retailproducts #redken #matrix #amika #lovewhatyoudo #cantonsalon
Silver to dusty lavender 💎😍😍😍 By our stylist Brittany.
We L❤VE this P E A N U T🥜B U T T E R🍞& J E L L Y🍇💜 combo😍😍😍 Stylist: Christina @hair_styles_by_christina #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonhairstylist #michiganhairstylist #cantonmichigan #haircolor #haircolorist #modernsalon #behindthechair #peanutbutterandjelly #beautylaunchpad #hairbesties #guytang #pravana #hairordye #pulpriot #hairposts #hairpostz #fabulouslytrendy #styleartists #mastercolorist #masterstylist #lovewhatyoudo #btcpics #btc #btconeshot_vibrant18 #btc #allaboutdahair @ LUX Hair Company, LLC
This ➰S E A M L E S S😍B A L A Y A G E➰ is 🔥🔥🔥 Stylist: Jenna @hairbyjsmith521 #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonmichigan #michiganhairstylist #cantonhairstylist #balaygedhair #modernsalon #businessofbalayage #mastersofbalayage #lovewhatyoudo #balayage #ombre #balayageombre #hairpostz #hairposts #masterstylist #mastercolorist #letspaint #seamlessblend #redken #olaplex #fabulouslytrendy #redkenshadeseq #behindthechair #btconeshot_hairpaint18 #btcpics #haircolor #haircolorist
Here at LUX Hair Company we are 🎀A L W A Y S🎀 accepting new clients🤗! Come on in and try us out!!✔ Or give us a call to book a ✴❤FREE CONSULTATION❤✴ 😊📞734-331-4712📞😊 #luxhaircompany #luxhairco #cantonmichigan #cantonhairstylist #michiganhairstylist #acceptingnewclients #cantonhair #cantonhairsalon #lovewhatyoudo #masterstylists #mastercolorists #redken #matrix #pulpriot #pravana #guytang #hairbesties #redkenshadeseq