Zion Hill Baptist Church - Camden
A Spirit filled church, composed of Spirit filled people doing Spirit filled things as we perservere in Discipleship, Missions, Evangelism, & Social Action
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facebook.comMOTHERS DAY 2017 @ THE HILL 9:00 AM - Godly Women of Faith Praying At The Wall 9:30 AM - Conversations With Senior Mothers - Real Talk 10:30 AM - Morning Worship - Becoming Godly Women of Faith - Speaker Mrs. Shyrel Ward Lee, is an elementary principal in the Pulaski County Special School District at Cato Elementary School, Little Rock. Come And Worship With Us - Free Gift To All Mothers Present
See you Sunday Morning @ 9:00 am - Mothers Praying At The Prayer Wall 9:30 - Conversations With Mothers - Real Talk Panel Discussion
Okay Facebook Friends, We are soliciting your help in donating used shoes to the Ozark Water Projects Shoe Drive. The OWP collects used shoes and sell them to exporters who resell them in places where people do not have shoes and cannot afford new shoes. The revenue gained from selling to the exporters is used to construct wells that provide clean drinking water in Kenya and Haiti. Zion Hill Human Services Agency's Ozark Water Projects Shoe Drive begin April 24-May 30. You may drop the shoes off at our Human Services Agency Office located at 221 Monroe Street starting Monday after 9:00 am, or call our church office and we will arrange to have them picked up. Our goal from Camden is 1,000 pairs of shoes. Who joining in with us?
Photos from Zion Hill Baptist Church - Camden's post
For the 15th Week this year and for the 37 remaining weeks of the year, The Life, The Death, The Burial and The Resurrection of Jesus Christ will be preached at Zion Hill Baptist Church, drop by to visit us any time.
Photos from Zion Hill Baptist Church - Camden's post
The Conferring of the Honorary Doctor of Biblical Studies Degree Upon Dr. James Fred Williams by the School Of The Scripture, Dallas, Texas, @ Zion Hill today. Dr. D. R. Radford, Speaker.
Photos from Zion Hill Baptist Church - Camden's post
Zion Hill Baptist Church worshipping with the Christian Methodist Episcopal Temple Church on a Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am as they go into their new sanctuary.
Attention Zionite Nation - Call the church office for a very important message before 3:00 pm today
After 90 days of "Passing It On To The Next Generation ," during the months of April-May-June we will be focusing on "Re-Discovering The Foundations Of Our Faith." Proverbs 22:28 Remove Not The Ancient Landmark, Which Thy Fathers Have Set. "He That Hath Ears To Hear Let Him Hear What The Spirit Is saying To The Church."
Timeline Photos
They are still talking about how this Man of God Blessed us in February: Passing It On To The Next Generation
All I can say is: "What A Mighty God We Serve?"
Zionite Nation, if you missed last night's opening session of our Christian Ed Conference, you missed a treat. Great time of dialogue, sharing, refining and fine tuning the Vision of The House and the Legacy of Strength given to us as we enter into the NEW. Better get there early to get you a seat. Exciting changes are on the way!!!.