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Thumos Barber Shop

415 Main Street, Calais, United States
Barber Shop



MON: Closed  
TUES: 8am-4pm (Walk-Ins)  
WED: 8am-6pm (Walk-Ins)  
THU: 8am-4pm (Appointments)  
FRI: 8am-4pm (Appointments)  
SAT: 8am-1pm (Walk-Ins)  
SUN: Closed : : : It's more than just a haircut,  It's an experience : : :

At THUMOS Barber Shop you will discover the solid foundational service of an old fashion Barber Shop wrapped in a contemporary atmosphere specially tailored for men.

**  THUMOS  **   phonetic spelling / pronounced  :  ( thoo - mos )
(Greek) Definition:.  
An inner fight drive ;  A fire in the heart ;  
A passion as strong as a spirited stallion.

Josh Noyes is the owner of THUMOS Barber Shop.
He is a "home-grown boy", as his family is from Topsfield, ME and he has spent much of his life in the St. Croix Valley area.  Josh attended and trained at New England School of Barbering in Concord, NH and also worked as a Barber for several months in Meredith, NH at Rick's Barber Shop.  He previously served in the military for eight years while also working for the Maine Forest Service.  
Josh believes that we have all been created with a purpose in life and that it is important to live out that purpose with an inner zeal - Using our gifts and the things we are passionate about in life to be a positive impact on others.  THUMOS Barber Shop and the service of Barbering are two of those passions in Josh's life that he is excited to share with the Calais area.


- ->*Keegan, keepin’ it real @ Thumos Shop on Main Street, Calais, Maine*<- - ^ Razor Part styled with First Hand Supply Pomade ^ 🔥💯✂️💈🇺🇸 • • • #ThumosShop #ThumosBarber #MaineBarbers #Barbershop #Calais #MainStreetShop #guysplace #mensstyle #razorpart #wahldetailer #firsthandsupply #pomade @ Thumos Barber Shop

^^ THE BARBER SHOP WILL BE OPENING @ * 11AM * TODAY (WED. 3/21) - - - OPEN FROM * 11AM to 7PM * ^^ Thank you! 👍 💈

! ! ^ ^ UPCOMING Shop Schedule ANNOUNCEMENTS ^ ^ ! ! - Thursday March 22 = SHOP CLOSING at 2PM, (All appointments for this day are filled for now) - Friday March 23 = SHOP WILL BE *CLOSED* - Saturday April 7 = SHOP WILL BE *CLOSED* Thank you to all my loyal patrons & supporters! Much love 👍 from THUMOS BarberShop and your friendly neighborhood Barber 😎 🇺🇸 ✂ 💈

* ANNOUNCEMENT * The Barber Shop will NOT be open this morning, Wed. 3/14, due to the storm. STAY TUNED IN as we may open up later today... If we do open later, the time will be posted here on FB 👍 If not, then we will see you tomorrow morning at 9AM! ❄💈❄ THANK YOU!

* A beautiful Barbershop Saturday * Flingin’ & Slingin’ fur today @ THUMOS Shop! 😜👍💪❄️✂️💯🔥💈🇺🇸 #AmericanTradition #BarberShop #Americana #MainStreet #theshop #Calais #MaineBarbers #TheBarberCraft #BarberBusiness #mensstyle #toolsofthetrade #marvy #wahl #andis #kenchii #Thumos

! ! ATTENTION !! - - - > > Shop Opening later Today, at Noon time (12PM) - - - > > * * * THE BARBER SHOP will not be open today (Tues. 3/6) until 12 PM * * * AGAIN, The Shop will be OPEN Today from * 12PM to 5PM * >>> Thank u!

BEFORE & Then the Afters - - - - ->>>> ✓styled w Uppercut Easy Hold pomade ✓ Just a REMINDER: that The Shop will be open Today (Wednesday Feb. 28), as usual, from 9am to 7pm... AND also, the Shop will NOT be open this coming Saturday March 3rd, as I will be away for Drill Weekend... Only a couple slots left for APPOINTMENTS this week (Thurs. 1st & Fri. 2nd) #THUMOS #MaineBarbers #TraditionalBarbering #NewEnglandBarbers #TheShop #OnMainStreet #CalaisMaine #workshop #artwork #beforeandaftertransform #wahl #kenchiishears #Uppercut #UppercutEasyHoldPomade #design #mensstyle #mensgrooming #barbergrind #barbergame #barberlife #workwithzeal #livelifewithpassion #DoLifeWithTHUMOS @ Thumos Barber Shop

GO FIGHT WIN Play hard Woodland! #YearOfTheDragon - from Thumos Barbershop -

BACK IN THE Biz ! @101starw #USA #USAF #ANG #americathegreat🇺🇸 - - - - - - - ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - - - - - - - Look more like my boys now : / Please refrain from the "lady face" ; ) I did cry a little when the beard came off... Still feel like I have a little left in the tank to serve while I am still young enough... I know how rumors go, so I want everyone to know that I AM STILL A BARBER and THUMOS BARBERSHOP IS STILL A GO! In fact, the barbering business is going great, mainly because my customers and clientele are GREAT! And I will continue to work hard to proudly serve you all as a local barber while also serving in the US Air Force. THUMOS Barber Shop HOURS WILL BE EXACTLY the same for now, with the exception of Drill Weekend Saturdays, when the shop will be closed on those Saturdays (which is usually one Sat. a month, usually the first Sat. of each month) .. That being said, THUMOS Shop will be closed Saturday March 3rd for drill weekend. As usual, any other schedule changes for the Shop will be posted here on the business FB page. Thank you all for your support & understanding!

! ATTENTION ! > > > > THUMOS Barber Shop will NOT be open today * (Tuesday Feb. 20th) WE WILL BE CLOSED * > > > We will be back OPEN for the week tomorrow, WEDNESDAY FEB. 21st < < <

🇺🇸💈FADES FOR DAYS💈🇺🇸 Saturday Feb. 17th, Hoppin’ @ Thumos Shop ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The DilleyDog in to get freshed-up! - styled w Uppercut Easy Hold pomade #ASaturdayAtTheShop #HowellBoys #Thumos #WorkShop #Maine #Barbers #barbercraft #CalaisMainStreet #mainewintergrind #Feb #UppercutPomade #wahl #kenchiishears #texturedtop #rockit #faded #ifadedown #dowhatyoudo #workwithzeal @ Thumos Barber Shop

! ATTENTION ! : >> Announcing that the Barber Shop WILL BE *CLOSED* for the rest of the day today (Wed. 2/7) due to the storm and travel conditions. << THUMOS Shop will be back open tomorrow, Thurs. 2/8, at 9am to 5pm - Appointments tomorrow with only a couple openings left! Thank you always to my clients for your patronage & your understanding! 👍💈
