Copper City CrossFit
CrossFit consists of 3 main components:
Functionality: The movements that we perform are functional movements. Functional movements imitate many of the tasks we perform in everyday life. A deadlift is nothing more than picking something up off the ground. We squat when we sit down in a chair. Functional movements also have the unique ability to move a large load a long distance and do it quickly. None of this can be said true for the classic isolation movements, such as bicep curls or leg extensions.
Intensity: Intensity is an easy way of stating how much work you can do in a certain amount of time. The more work you can do in an allotted amount of time, the more fit you are and the more intense your training will be. The intensity of our workouts is what produces the incredible results. Bear in mind that we do not encourage intensity with a sacrifice in technique.
Variance: CrossFit workouts are constantly varied. Some workouts are never repeated, although we do perform some "benchmark" workouts in order to gauge progress. We vary modalities (Olympic lifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, etc.), loads (light, moderate, heavy, etc.), and time domains (short, medium, long, etc.). Variance prevents our bodies from adapting and keeps us from getting bored.
Our Gym
Within these walls, you will find a community and a fitness level unlike any other. At Copper City CrossFit, we use bumper plates, barbells, medicine balls, olympic rings, large tires, pull-up bars, rowing machines, and plyometric boxes.You will run, jump, push, pull, throw, drag and climb your way to an elite level of fitness. There are no mirrors on the walls, nobody performing isolation movements, such as bicep curls and lateral raises, and most importantly, you will find no whiners. We are a community of like-minded, goal driven people. Come join us!
Tell your friends
facebook.comToday is the last day to register for the Festivus Games coming up next weekend!!
Welles was moving some #bigweight during today's #farmercarry workout! #strength #stronggirl #community #strongisthenewskinny #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit
Check out this little #stud doing #farmercarries with 53 lb. #kettlebells in each hand! BTW... he's nine... just sayin'. #strength #startthemyoung #welldone #strongkid #cccfkids #crossfitkids #community #copper_city_crossfit #crossfit
Fitness is fun!... especially when you get to do the #junkyarddog warmup... with #coachRAYRAY... and Miro is in your class! #fitnessisfun #community #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit
Check out these beautiful #powercleans by Lora! What a stud! #stud #strength #6AMwarrior #boom #community #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit
This is how the #5AMclass does #glutehamraises! #coffee #coffeeislife #caffeineandcrossfit #illtakemineblack #5am #community #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit
The 2017 #HYPOXIA Team Throwdown is just around the corner! Start getting your 4-person teams (2 guys, 2 girls) assembled for this year's event going on at the Butte Civic Center! #teamcomp #coppercitycrossfit
We had a great crew at the #noonclass today grinding through the first Monday EMOM in October! #kettlebellswings #boxjumps #pullups #rowing #community #groupfitness #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit
Here's Raj during one of his 1 minute rest intervals of today's #kettbell mash-up! #kettlebelltraining #functionaltraining #betterthanyesterday #community #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit
ATTENTION ALL 28 DAY CHALLENGERS!!! Make sure you come in and get your measurements done either Saturday, September 30th from 8-9 AM or Sunday, October 1st from 4-6 PM!
Mari has been killing it in #crossfitlight! #improvement #betterthanyesterday #kettlebellswings #groupfitness #community #crossfit #copper_city_crossfit