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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport

4070 Park Ave, Bridgeport, United States
Church/religious organization



Welcome to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport On Facebook! Here you can stay informed about our Parish and our activities, as well as communicate and network with us (and each other)!    The desire to formally establish a Greek Orthodox Community in the Greater Bridgeport area was fostered by the Faith and Love of the Greek Immigrant in the New World. He recognized the need to organize in the realm of a "Koinotita" — a Community, that the Greek Immigrant can properly prepare the foundation of retaining the Treasures of his Divine Heritage, which is to be inherited by his children and grandchildren down through the ages, without innovation or distortions. The Hellene knew that it was imperative to act if he did have the sincere pathos to "Keep the traditions," — his Identity, and not be assimilated as one, lost in the great "melting-pot" of nationalities. And his Identity was important, for without it he would do a disservice to his new home in the New World; without it, he could never be an inspired personality worthy of his citizenship. The Immigrant had an obligation, an Image to project, a Heritage and Culture which gave birth to the "American way of life."

It was this fervent desire, therefore, that had motivated two "Founding Fathers" — Mr. Nicholas Vlantes and the late Aristides Angelopoulos — to journey to New York City to meet with the Dean of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Archimandrite Methodios Kourkoulis, and discuss with him the formation of a Greek Orthodox Community in Greater Bridgeport, Connecticut.

In 1913, eleven members of  the Pan Hellenic Union  first met to discuss the formation of our Greek Orthodox Community. These eleven members were joined by an additional seven, to compose a committee of eighteen.  They were:

Nicholas Vlantes
Aristides Angelopoulos
Nicholas Theodoropoulos
Nicholas Goudas
Gregory Vaggelopoulos
Demetrios Sinanis
George Geanuracos
George Meras
Konstantinos Taboularis
George Kapnas
George Asteriou

First Board of Directors
Nicholas Lazos, President
Nicholas Vlantes, Vice President
George Molones, Secretary
Aristides Angelopoulos, Treasurer
Board members:
George Geanuracos
Andrew Demotses
Anastasios Farfaras

Today we have grown to over 750 active families. Our membership is diverse - one does not need to be Greek to become Orthodox.  We hope that your journey here will be educational, informative, and spiritual and that it will lead our paths to cross.

Don't forget to become a "fan" of our page, and invite your friends too!

Sunday Service Hours
Orthros - 8:30 am  
Sunday School Service- 10:00-10:15 am... Liturgy, Sermons, Announcements 9:45 to 11:45

Please check our site from Special Services or Weekday Service Hours.  Our office hours are listed here.
