1-2-3 Spanish for Kids
Spanish classes for children!!!
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Why The Baby Brain Can Learn Two Languages At The Same Time
123 Andrés
What a great opportunity to go see Jose Luis Orozco and 123 Andres. They have some of the best children's Spanish music!!!
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Benefits of learning a second language: Enhanced Cognitive Performance and Thinking Skills Literacy Skills Enhanced | Increase Their Confidence Children Learn A Second Language Naturally Higher I.Q |Better problem solving Improved musical and math skills| Improved verbal/spatial ability Improved reading/writing
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New Winter Session classes starting this week!!! Our classes have been designed with both new and returning students in mind. New students will be able to experience some of our core material while returning students are challenged to practice what they have learned in previous classes. This session we will have new fun lessons that will keep the children (all levels) inspired to learn a new language!!! Let me know if you have any questions...thanya@123spanishforkids.com
1-2-3 Spanish for Kids
According to the ACTFL , “Studies have shown repeatedly that foreign language learning increases critical thinking skills, creativity, and flexibility of mind in young children. Students who are learning a foreign language out-score their non-foreign language learning peers in the verbal and, surprisingly to some, the math sections of standardized tests. This relationship between foreign language study and increased mathematical skill development, particularly in the area of problem solving, points once again to the fact that second language learning is more of a cognitive than linguistic activity.” - See more at: http://www.actfl.org/advocacy/discover-languages/for-parents/cognitive#sthash.GyldkLy1.dpuf