People Making a Difference (PMD)
Lots of PMD volunteer opportunities need your help at, where they are listed by date, with "Read More Details" links that tell you HOW easy it is to sign up to participate and the deadlines. People Making a Difference (PMD) organizes one-time, hands-on volunteer projects for individuals to help with; partners with businesses to promote effective community involvement; and trains and assists nonprofit leaders in strengthening volunteer management.
By offering flexible project-by-project registration, PMD engages a variety of volunteers seeking opportunities for interesting, needed work, meeting other philanthropic people, and learning how local charities are solving complex problems.
PMD organizes service projects assisting primarily small, community-based charities, the majority of which do not have adequate staffing and other resources dedicated to working with volunteers and so need assistance in order to involve volunteers effectively.
PMD partners with businesses of all sizes to identify clear community service goals and objectives (like team building and morale development) and then to develop appropriate employee volunteer opportunities for groups of 6 to 100.
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