Bloomington Kennedy High School
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facebook.comKennedy students Luis Romero and his father and Najma Dayib along with her mother had the opportunity to attend the State of the City with Major Gene Winstead!
All 9th graders will be attending a FREE trip to the Minnesota Science Museum in St. Paul on April 3rd. Permission slips need to be in by Tuesday, March 20th. An online permission slip was sent to your listed email address. If you need a paper permission slip your student can get one from their English teacher.
Congratulations to our second trimester Golden Torch award winners! Each department gets to nominate just two students for their overall excellence in the classroom. Be sure to check out the attached presentation and to congratulate our winners!
There's a PTSA meeting scheduled for Thursday, 3/1, 6-7pm, in the Media Center. We will have a brief update from Principal Kampa followed by a presentation titled "How a student performs in school reflects how they will perform on the job". Please plan on attending and feel free to bring your students!
The Kennedy Eagle Club is open after schools Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 3:00-5:00. The mission of the Eagle Club is to provide a safe and welcoming space for students to gather, study, work on projects, play games, etc. It is supervised by two to three paraprofessionals. An activity bus is also available afterwards to take students home.
Safety PSA from the City of Bloomington- Stay Inside or Step Aside.
A preview of this year's senior panoramic photo taken as students were getting ready. Order forms are in the admin offices!
Today our 11th graders had the opportunity to participate in Career Day. Speakers from a variety of fields spent the day presenting on their careers and answering student questions. Thank you so much to our presenters!
So proud of our scientists!
Our next PTSA meeting is January 25th, 6:00-7:00, in the Media Center. Principal Kampa will give a brief update and there will be a presentation on REGISTRATION for the 2018/2019 school year, scheduling options, graduation requirements and elective options. Please join us!
Kennedy donations have arrived for Super Bowl Charity Drive. Way to go Eagles!!!
How cool is this?