Weird NJ
Welcome to the Weird NJ Facebook page--a place to share your stories & photos of this strange state and to keep up with all the goings on of Weird NJ magazines, books, shows, events, etc. Hosted by Mark Sceurman & Mark Moran Since facebook is all about sharing, please share your photos and stories with us. You may even be included in a future issue if we feel what you post is weird-worthy.
There is no money involved and we can't notify everyone that posts, but if we do print your photo/story, you will be part of the Weird NJ family forever. You can also email direct to: as we don't always see everything that pops up.
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Weird NJ's cover photo
Weird NJ’s publishers Mark and Mark will be dropping by the upcoming Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market on Saturday, April 2nd, bringing all manner of Weird NJ items, including the brand new spring 2016 issue of the magazine! It’s going to be an amazing event, here are all the details:
April 2nd: Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market | Weird NJ
Weird NJ’s publishers Mark and Mark will be dropping by the upcoming Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market on Saturday, April 2nd, bringing all manner of Weird NJ items, including the brand new spring 2016 issue of the magazine! It’s going to be an amazing event, here are all the details from the TPRFM web site…
Timeline Photos
Oh yeah, things are starting to get WEIRD 'round here! #strangexchange
Woman in wedding gown walking down dark highway at 1am Tuesday morning
New Jersey certainly has more than its fair share of roadside apparitions: Annie in Totowa, the White Lady in Newark, the Atco Ghost Boy and the Parkway Phantom of Exit 82 in Toms River, to name just a few. Well, it seems that we can now add Route 55 in Deptford to list of haunted highways with its own supernatural specter. We've known for many years now that Route 55 has long been rumored to be cursed by the disgruntled souls of Native Americans (, but this is the first time we've heard tell of an ghostly woman in white appearing on this already legendary byway. But a couple days ago an eerie video was posted on YouTube of what appeared to be a female figure in a white gown moving down the side of the road along Route 55 in the area of Exit 56. The apparition seems to be floating. Is it a ghost, or just an internet hoax? You be the judge...
Packers' Aaron Rodgers tells wild story of N.J. UFO sighting
Weird NJ
Do you know this head? If so, the authorities in Brick would like your help in identifying it.
The StrangeXchange
Taylor Ham or Pork Roll? With egg or straight up? You want cheese on that? Salt, pepper, ketchup? Whatever you call it, whichever way you like it, you'll be able to get you fix of it at The StrangeXchange taking place this Saturday at the The Wellmont Theater in Montclair, NJ. And while you're there you can pick up the BRAND NEW SPRING ISSUE OF WEIRD NJ––hot off the presses and not even available in stores yet!
Weird NJ's cover photo
Step right up to see a bazaar of the bizarre! We are very excited to announce that Weird NJ will be hosting the third installment of the StrangeXchange in collaboration with the The Aquarian Weekly. It’s a pop-up flea market that will be taking place at the historic The Wellmont Theatre in Montclair on Saturday, March 26th from 11am til 5pm.
N.J. mall Easter bunny involved in brawl with customers (VIDEO)
Timeline Photos
This Saturday come pick up the BRAND NEW ISSUE of WEIRD NJ, hot off the presses at the #strangexchange taking place at the #wellmonttheater in #montclairnj! It's a pop-up flea market featuring over 40 vendors offering unique and cool items for sale. #wfmu DJ Glen Jones of the #glenjonesradioprogramme will be spinning the tunes, there will be food trucks, the bar will be open for business, and there will be lots of freaky special guests, including the #circusrejects and #fatherevil. Hosted by #weirdnj and #theaquarianweekly. Go to for all the details!
25 Things You Know To Be True If You Grew Up In North Jersey
Guess who made the list...