Mt. Hebron Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor C. Michael Washington - ACIPCO
We are the church that specializes in loving you! Pastor C. Michael Washington
We are located in the ACIPCO Finley Community. We welcome you to join us at Sunday School 9:00am and Worship Service at 10:00am.
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facebook.comCome pray with us! Sunday School at 9AM and Worship Service at 10AM.
Join us each Sunday in February for special black history moments! #blackhistory #myhistory #yourhistory #ourhistory
FITS kicks off on Thursday, February 15th at 5:30pm with a Biggest Loser 40 day challenge! #fasting #praying #lentseason #spiritualfitness
Merry Christmas from all of us at Mt. Hebron! "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord!" - Luke 2:11 He is so worthy!
Join us Sunday, December 24th for a special Christmas service starting at 9am.
Join us tomorrow for our annual Christmas program starting at 9am. #jesusisthereason #mhbc #christmas
Please join Dr. Felisa Washington on December 16th at Liberty Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at 11am. Dr. Washington will be the special guest speaker for the Seniors Banquet.
Here is a sneak peek behind the scenes of the Christmas Cafe! Huge thanks to all of the helping hands that are making it happen and are volunteering! If you don't have any plans this evening, come out and fellowship with us! #christmascafe #mthebron #birmingham
Are you looking for a free fun family event? We invite you to experience the night that Jesus was born! Enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of this village as a tour guide leads you through this exciting trip. Wednesday, December 6th at 6PM. FREE Admission. Mt. Hebron Family Life Center - 1620 24th Avenue, Birmingham, AL. The Drama Ministry will premier the MHMBC Black Nativity. #jesusisthereason #christmascafe #bethlehem #holyland #marketplace
What a wonderful morning! We had a delicious breakfast, that fed us spiritually and physically. Ummm ummm good! #mthbc #shrimpandgrits #feedingmysoul #blessed — at Mt. Hebron Missionary Baptist Church. Special thanks to the Senior Ministry for hosting this event. Please join us this Sunday for our 82nd church anniversary.