SlingFin designs top quality outdoor and mountaineering gear. Visit us at Our methodology is purely design and quality driven. No undue influence from marketing managers, “bean counters” or “suits.” Utilizing our innovative designs and the best materials available we design and build gear for professional guides and serious users. Period.
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facebook.comCompany Brings the World's Strongest Tents to the Appalachian Trail - Appalachian Trail
SlingFin first seen on the JMT and PCT... and now on to the AT!
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Where did you go on #labordayweekend? Follow us on Instagram (@slingfin) and hashtag #SlingFin to share with us! 🌲🏔
SlingFin in Business Insider. "A former North Face product designer with 33 years in the outdoor equipment industry, Zemitis claims he has created the world’s strongest tent." And our tents can withstand A LOT! Not to mention, we're in a similar price category to other 3-season backpacking tents, but with that extra strength. :)
Invest in Startups You Love - Equity Crowdfunding | Wefunder
We've got a lot going on lately here at SlingFin headquarters! Did you miss the LIVE Q&A last week with Wefunder? Tune in below and learn more about our Founder Martin, the man who designed the only tent to ever stay overnight on Mt. Everest!
Missed our big TV debut last night? Never worry! You can see the whole episode here! Not to mention... SlingFin's Richard Ying and Martin Zemitis might be stars now... ;) #adventurecapitalist
Adventure Capitalists Series Premiere Monday, August 22 @ 10PM ET/PT | CNBC Prime
SlingFin on TV?! We will be one of 4 companies picked to be featured on a new show called Adventure Capitalists. So tune in tomorrow at 10pm ET/ 7pm PT to CNBC!
Photos from SlingFin's post
PCT Trail Days is poppin' off! Tons of rad people and gear. Make sure you come check out what we've got at our SlingFin booth. We promise cool gear and awesome people to chat with you about it!
Super stoked for this tonight! Send a question in to be answered by the man behind the SlingFin curtain, Martin Zemitis!
Pacific Crest Trail Days
We'll be showing our 2Lite (amongst others) at the Pacific Crest Trail Days in just about a week! Who's going to be there? Make sure you stop by and meet the crew!
Photos from SlingFin's post
Now that we're back home and settled after a whirlwind week at Outdoor Retailer's 2016 Summer Market... We wanted to send out a big 'thank you' to all that came out to visit us in tent city and for your continued support! Nolan FrittsRichard Ying Martin Zemitis Kendall De Jong Lauren Herrera Mike St. Pierre Hans Florine Alan Tabor
Are these extreme young athletes pushing themselves too hard?
SlingFriend Tyler Armstrong on the Today show amongst some other extreme kid athletes!
Timeline Photos
Come on out to tent city! The SlingFin crew is waiting for you!