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Beloit College

700 College St, Beloit, United States
Private School



Founded in 1846, I am Wisconsin's oldest college.


Nisha Bhatta'18, a computer science and economics double-major from Kathmandu, Nepal, spent her junior spring at Beloit College working as an intern with Hendricks Commercial Properties through the Duffy Community Partnerships program. "The Duffy program was very useful in giving me a sense of what I should expect in the job market... It was also helpful working in the community and being able to see the practical implications of things that I have learned in the classroom." Read more about Nisha's experience:

No doubt you've heard of the Powerhouse project by now and we're ready to hire a Director! Should that be you? Here's the link:

Zainab Alkhawaja’07 could not attend her Beloit College Reunion in June to accept the 2017 Young Alumni Award, but she sent a moving acceptance letter that Manger Professor of International Studies Beth Dougherty read to the crowd gathered in Eaton Chapel. A citizen of Bahrain now in exile, Alkhawaja was central to the 2011 peaceful protests in the Persian Gulf nation during the Arab Spring. The award recognized her human rights activism, which has come at a high personal cost. Beloit College Magazine was there to report on all five outstanding alumni recognized that day. Online coverage includes Alkhawaja’s letter in full.

Kiri Eun Ah Youngquist'19 is a secondary education and literary studies double-major from Chicago, Il. She spent her summer in Beloit working with Professor of Education and Youth Studies Dr. Bill New through the Sanger Summer Research Fellows program. "Our project focuses on whether or not the judicial system in the United States has the capacity to be able to give autistic children the free and appropriate public education that was promised to them through the Individuals with Disabilities Act." Read more about Kiri's experience:

The inaugural Ousley Scholar In Residency is days away. We'll see you on Friday at 7 p.m. in Moore Lounge. This year's scholar is Moya Bailey. Bailey will be discussing the significance and hardships of being the first. The residency honors the legacy of Grace Ousley, the first black woman to graduate from Beloit College. Read more about the Ousley family here:

The Rock River Valley Blood Center is hosting a blood drive today, from 12-6 pm in Mathers on the first floor of Pearsons. All blood types are needed, so stop by this afternoon to give blood!

Hey Beloiters! In the spirit of autumn (today is the equinox), we have a new contest for you. Submit to us a picture of something that represents fall for a chance to be featured on our Instagram and Snapchat. Send photos by messaging us here on Facebook, Instagram (@beloit_college), or Snapchat (beloitcollege). We can't wait to see your photos! 🍂 Submission Deadline is 9.27.17 at 11:15am

The Hispanic Heritage Month art show opens tomorrow evening at 5 pm. Stop by 520 E. Grand Ave. in Downtown Beloit to see the works of some really talented students! All of the art is for sale; proceeds benefit Voces, a club at Beloit College that aims to spread awareness of LatinX/Hispanic issues.

Today is International Peace Day, and we'd like to celebrate by acknowledging all the hard work put in by faculty, staff, and students that goes into making Beloit College more inclusive and equitable, thus promoting peace. There are numerous clubs and organizations that students can be involved in to contribute to this effort, such as Students for an Inclusive Campus. Departments like Spiritual Life and the Office of Inclusive Living and Learning also work towards the goal of maintaining peace on campus. Every Beloiter is unique in their own way, but we all have one belief in common: peace makes the world a better place.

Katie Kennedy'18 (right), a sociology major from Galesburg, Illinois, spent her junior year at Beloit College working at the Beloit Public Library through the Duffy Community Partnerships program. Carol Wickersham (left), the Director of Community-Based Learning, coordinates all the Duffy experiences and is an important mentor for all the program's students. "The Duffy program really influenced the way I view the world. I’ve always considered myself involved, but this course definitely instilled in me the importance of regular community involvement." Read more about Katie's experience at


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