Beech Street Center
More than a senior center, Beech Street Center offers a wide range of activities, resources, and information for seniors and "boomers" in the Belmont area.
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facebook.comWindsor House Memory Café Friday, July 28 at 10 a.m. The Windsor House Café is a special time set aside for individuals with memory impairment and their caregivers. Please come and enjoy home cooked refreshments, sensory- stimulating activities and supportive socializing in a stigma free atmosphere. This month: Summertime Snacklettes, Marshall and Maryanne Pet Visit, TV Show Trivia, Musical Visit with Lucy, Desi and Vera Defilippo. Walk-ins are welcome but RSVP appreciated. Call Denise at 617-491-1815. Cost: Free.
Around the World” with Music Tuesday, July 25 at 1:15 p.m. We know Joe Andrea is astounding on the saxophone, but did you know that he also plays the violin? Join Joe for a musical game of “Name that Place.” He’ll perform memorable songs from a variety of genres and decades. For each song, write the name of the place about which it was written. The person who guesses the most songs correctly will win a prize! Come to listen to Joe’s music and participate in the competition. Cost: Free.
Tech Sharing Group: Connect with Classmates & Friends through Facebook Thursday, July 27 at 1 p.m. Over the summer, would you like to contact Beech Street Center friends while you’re away? When your group goes on the road, would you like to share group photos with one another? Join Angela Stamoulos, our “social media coach” volunteer, to learn how Facebook can be used to connect and communicate with people you know. Also, you can contribute to the Beech Street Center’s Facebook pages to help others learn about our groups and events. Additionally, Angela will offer free individual or small group coaching sessions at the Beech Street Center. Cost: Free.
Indian Dinner & Presentation Tuesday, July 25 at 4:30 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Friends of Indian Senior Citizens Organization. A delicious vegetarian meal prepared by Zaika restaurant of Woburn will be served. Limit of 50, so please register in advance at the Beech Street Center. Cost: $5 cash or check payable to FISCO.
Around the World” with Music Tuesday, July 25 at 1:15 p.m. We know Joe Andrea is astounding on the saxophone, but did you know that he also plays the violin? Join Joe for a musical game of “Name that Place.” He’ll perform memorable songs from a variety of genres and decades. For each song, write the name of the place about which it was written. The person who guesses the most songs correctly will win a prize! Come to listen to Joe’s music and participate in the competition. Cost: Free.
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Supper Club: S & S Restaurant Tuesday, July 18, leave Beech Street Center at 4:15 p.m. S & S Deli and Restaurant has been owned by the same family for generations in Inman Square. The name is from their grandma’s Yiddish phrase, “Es and Es” (eat and eat). The group will sit at restaurant booth seats and chairs and can order beer, wine, and martinis along with dinner. The wide menu includes Western Omelet $12, Corned Beef Reuben with cole slaw and chips $13, or fish and chips $16 (plus drinks, tax, and tip). Cost: $4 donation to BelderBus plus meal. Priority to those who were on the waitlist for S & S last month.
Summer Salads and Smoothies PLUS Farmers’ Market Coupons Tuesday, July 18, 1 - 2:30 p.m. Tired of your same old smoothie? Never tried one? Come get inspiration and nutritional guidance for making healthy fruit, nut, as well as dairy, and vegetable smoothies at home from Dr. Suzanne Johannet of the Belmont Farmers’ Market. She will share recipes for unexpected, delicious, and locally sourced salads for your summer lunch, or for anytime you want a fast meal without using the oven! After the presentation, Meghan Ostrander from Springwell will distribute a limited number of Senior FMNP Farmer’s Market coupons. To be eligible, seniors must receive Section 8 Housing, Energy Assistance, Medicaid or Commodity Food Assistance. Cost: Free.
Travelogue from India Friday, July 14 at 1:15 p.m. Have you been on an adventure that you're willing to share with others? Whether it was mountain climbing to commemorate a milestone birthday, a family trip, or learning a new skill... we want to hear your inspiring story! To kick off this series we've found a few people to share their recent travel stories. Please contact Lil if you have an adventure to share. Tom Lewis of Watertown traveled five weeks in Southern India and Sri Lanka. His trip included both individual travel and a tour organized by a major US tour company. See a wide range of photos from the trip and learn about Indian people, culture, geography, and landmarks from his adventures. This presentation at the Watertown Council on Aging was so enjoyed that we asked him to come to Belmont. Cost: Free.
Chocolate 101: A Brief History and Tasting Thursday, July 20, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Nine out of 10 people love chocolate- and the 10th person lies! What is it about this delicious food that makes mouths water? How did chocolate go from decadent treat to antioxidant-packed super food? This event will answer your chocolate queries! Learn what chocolate preference says about your personality and sample chocolates from the world over; from white chocolate to 99% cacao! If chocolate is an essential part of your life, this program is for you. Instructor Victoria E. Kichuk comes to us from the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. This event is sponsored as part of a series of evening lectures by the Friends of the Belmont Council on Aging. Limited to 20, advance registration and payment is required. Cost: $5 per person.
Book Group: Persuasion by Jane Austen Friday, July 14 at 11 a.m. Persuasion is the last novel Jane Austen completed, and is regarded as her most moving novel. It is the story of the reunion of Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth, after the passage of their youth, forces a recognition of the false values that drove them apart. Cost: Free.
Bel Aires Concert at Providence House, Brighton Thursday, July 13, leaving Beech Street Center at 1:15 p.m. The Bel Aires chorus welcomes anyone who enjoys song and good company to participate in its weekly open sessions at the Beech Street Center, Thursdays at 1:15 p.m. Sing along to group songs or choose one to lead solo. Lyrics are provided and our wonderful pianist provides accompaniment for all. Make friends as you sing heartfelt and silly songs together, then enjoy snacks at coffee-hour. This month, the Bel Aires go on the road! Providence House Senior Living Community has invited them to perform a sing-along concert for their residents on Thursday, July 13. Providence House will pick up 12 singers at the Beech Street Center at 1:15 p.m. for a one-hour performance beginning at 2 p.m. in Brighton. Sign up for the trip or follow in your own car. Snacks will be provided after the concert, with bus returning to the Beech Street Center by 4 p.m. Cost: Free.