First Choice Community Healthcare, Inc.
First Choice Community Healthcare is a health care organization that maintains excellence in programs and services. First Choice Community Healthcare is a Federally-Qualified Health Center (FQHC) system with nine health centers in three counties, including one school-based health center. We provide primary medical care, dental care and WIC services and have integrated behavioral health care in the primary care setting for our established patients. We have provided a healthcare care home for our patients for over 40 years. We play an integral role in providing access to all people regardless of income or insurance status.
First Choice Community Healthcare is a health care organization that maintains excellence in programs and services with a constant focus on the changing needs of individuals and communities.
Core Values:
We are community-oriented and patient-centered.
We provide state-of the-art health care facilities and services.
We are committed to excellence at all levels of our organization.
We provide compassionate, quality care without regard to a patient’s economic status.
We respect our patients as individuals.
We are culturally, gender- and age-sensitive.
We operate in a cost-effective manner to maintain our financial strength and viability.
We are committed to innovation and the principals of continuous performance improvement.
We encourage and support the personal and professional growth for our employees.
We strive to be a model employer
We value synergy and collaborations with partner organizations to better serve our clients.
We are committed to health education and prevention.
This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Pulbic Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).
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Belen Medical Center
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First Choice Community Healthcare, Inc.