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St. Katharine Drexel School of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

503 S Spring St, Beaver Dam, United States



Welcome! The purpose of this Facebook page is to keep you up-to-date with happenings in our school. For more information, please go to our website. St. Katharine Drexel School is a parish school, part of St. Katharine Drexel Parish, St. Katharine Drexel School comes from the long and proud tradition of Catholic Schools in Beaver Dam. Students, parents, grandparents and alumni proudly proclaim more than 150 years of continuous Catholic Education beginning in 1862.

St. Katharine Drexel School provides a Catholic education for students, preschool through grade eight. We teach the whole child, being especially attuned to the unique gifts, talents and needs of each individual. Children as young as three years of age can join us in our God's Little Miracles Preschool. Those same students can stay with us throughout their elementary school years. At St. Katharine Drexel School, we invite and welcome students of all faiths.

St. Katharine Drexel School provides a value-laden education, preparing children to succeed and flourish not only in high school, but also throughout their lives. We invite students and their families to check us out. We would love to share the spirit, energy and commitment present in our school.

St. Katharine Drexel School is an Exemplary Accredited School in the areas of Mission, Community and Climate.


Vacation Bible School

Registration form can be found here: Ready to travel to Rome? You’ll explore the cave of the Underground Church, meet the Apostle Paul, create cool Bible-times projects, experience thrilling real-life dramas, play high energy games, sample tasty Mediterranean snacks, and hear unforgettable music. Plus you’ll meet lots of new friends. FOR: Preschool thru Fifth Grade YOUR HOSTS: * Trinity United Methodist Church * St. Katharine Drexel Parish * St John Lutheran Church * Sacred Heart Parish, Horicon/ St Matthews, Neosho WHERE: Saint Katharine Drexel Parish Center 408 South Spring Street, Beaver Dam WHEN: July 24-27, 2017 4:00—6:00PM Daily QUESTIONS? Call: Darcy (Trinity) at 485-2567 Margaret (SH) at 326-3290 Pastor Bryan (SJ) at 885-3396 Kristin (SKD) at 887-2082 ext 111

Vacation Bible School

Catholic Financial Life

Check out the video to see how SKDS makes a difference in the Beaver Dam community. Then cast your vote. PLEASE SHARE!

Catholic Financial Life

Mrs. Kaiser recently submitted a video for Catholic Financial Life's "Give Back Video Contest!" Entries were submitted from schools throughout the Midwest and as far away as Maine. Mrs. Kaiser's video, "Making a Difference," was selected as one of the top 10 finalists. Cash prizes of up to $5000 will be awarded to the schools of the three videos that receive the most votes: Voting will officially open on Monday, May 22 at 8 a.m. (CT) and run through May 26 at 11:59 p.m. A reminder with the link and a request to share will be posted on Monday.

Photos from St. Katharine Drexel School of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin's post

Mrs. Armstrong & Mrs. Kaiser were two of the many Archdiocesan retirees honored at the Cousins Center in Milwaukee on Tuesday, May 16. The celebration included Mass celebrated by Archbishop Listecki, followed by a light reception. Mrs. Zabkowicz was unable to attend due to a prior commitment.

Photos from St. Katharine Drexel School of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin's post

Church Health Services

Here's an easy way to support Church Health Services!

Church Health Services

Happy Mothers Day!

In celebration of Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Tea 2017

Happy Mother's Day! Preschool and 4K students recently celebrated this special day with a Mother's Day Tea in the classroom. May God Bless all mothers today and always.

Mother's Day Tea 2017

Timeline Photos

Pictured: SKDS alumni who were recent recipients of scholarships from the Beaver Dam scholarship foundation: Paul Derr from Wayland Academy; McKenzie White, Clark Crombie, Klaryssah Heinzen, Christian Bahr, and May Lestekow from Beaver Dam High School. All will be graduating on Sunday, May 21.

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Our 2nd Graders celebrated their recent First Holy Communion last Friday during our school Mass.

Timeline Photos





Just to clarify the St. Katharine Drexel Bowl a Thon is still on for tonight! 9 pin tap! Kids session at 4 pm//Adults at 7. Kids involves shoe rental and two games for $12/Adults shoes and 3 games for $15! Same day sign ups available!
