St. John Lutheran Church ELCA Beatrice, NE
Join us for traditional worship service at 9 am or the contemporary service at 11:15 on Sunday mornings.
Sunday school is at 10:10
All are Welcome!
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For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:26-27. We are all one in Jesus.
Mighty Fortress VBS!
Mighty Fortress VBS!
Hear ye! Hear ye! At Mighty Fortress Vacation Bible School, our children learn that God is their refuge and strength. They may not ace the test or make the team, but God promises to be their rock and their salvation—their fortress and sure defense. In Jesus, the victory is won! These truths come to life for children through five Bible accounts. Through these lessons, kids celebrate the victory that God gives us through Jesus. St. John Vacation Bible School for preschool through 5th grade will be July 10 -14 from 9-noon. A MIGHTY FORTRESS! Go to: https://vbsmate.comStJohnBeatriceVBS to register your child or to volunteer! Contact Heidi Price with questions.
Photos from St. John Lutheran Church ELCA Beatrice, NE's post
We have plenty of goodies at the bake sale today! Support the St. John members traveling to the Pine Ridge reservation this summer.
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Bake Sale Fundraiser this Sunday, May 21st! Help support members traveling to the Pine Ridge Reservation in June. Baked goods will be available after both services in the Narthex. If you'd like to donate baked goods, contact Amanda, If you are interested in attending the Service Learning Mission Trip, contact Heidi,
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Thank you! God be with you until we meet again!
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Thank you Pastor Myron as you say goodbye to St John and hello to the new possibilities God has planned for you! ❤️
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Congrats Maddie and Nathan Spilker, who were selected as KLKN TV Channel 8, Best of Class award winners from Beatrice! Proud of you! Watch Channel 8 beginning next week to catch their segments. They run through the end of June!🎓🎓
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Senior blessing-know that you are God's child & are NEVER alone! Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Mexican Food Night!
Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo a few days early! Join us for homemade tacos and nachos with all the extras tonight in the Fellowship Hall.
Receiving College Care Packages!
St. John sending love to our college students! God bless each one!
Service Learning Mission Trip 2017
St. John will be traveling to Pine Ridge Retreat Center on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Our time will be spent completing various projects on the reservation, learning about the Native American culture, and coming together for Bible study and devotions. Youth who have completed 8th grade through adult are invited to join us for an eye opening week. Cost for the week is only $200/person. A $50 deposit is due May 15. Contact Heidi Price at for more information and to register.