Ballwin Athletic Association
The Association was formed for the purpose of providing organized baseball and softball programs The Association was formed for the purpose of providing organized baseball and softball programs, promoting athletics and the general welfare of the community.
Tell your friends
facebook.comDon't forget about this awesome event!! Helicopters on field 1!! Come show your support of our local first responders on September 9th!!
Thanks to the Ballwin Police Department for all their support!
Caught them doing 70 in a 45.
Pictures from today's All Star activities.
Don't forget about the big celebration tomorrow night. Band starts at 7pm!
Come on out to the ballpark on Saturday, August 5th to celebrate the end of the baseball/softball season. We will have BBQ (for charity!) and LIVE MUSIC from That 80s Band (Thateightiesband Stl) under the pavilion. What a wonderful way to celebrate another outstanding season at the ballpark!!!
FALL BALL Registration is now open on our website!! If you would like to play Fall Ball, go online and register your player. Only 1 parent volunteer duty and it's team registration. So the costs are down. You simply just need to go to the website and register. You don't pay anything now (unless you buy out of the 1 volunteer shift). Your team pays one check. It is cost effective!! Visit for more information and to register online. Thanks! See you at the ballpark!!
Congratulations to the Marquette Mustangs on their exciting District Championship win last night on field 1! It was a great win and a great crowd! Thanks to everyone who came out to watch! It was a perfect night for baseball!
Marquette vs Lafayette TONIGHT at 6:30 for the championship! Perfect night for baseball!!!