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Ash Creek Baptist Church Children's Department

300 S Stewart St, Azle, United States
Religious Organization



Ash Creek Preteens rocked Riverbend this week with 2 Pillar of Spirit awards Rock out with us on Wednesday evenings before RA's and GA's from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Join Jennifer Garner as she guides 1st through 6th graders in an energy filled hour of musical fun.


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Want to know more??? Meet me at the children's sermon during worship this Sunday, March 19th

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Calling all Starveyers. WOW VBS is just around the corner. Are you interested in leading a group of awesome kids on the galactic adventure of a lifetime? Then reserve the age range of your choice in the foyer of the Children's Hall before Sunday School or after Worship in foryer of TMP. Sunday Februaray 11th.

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Looking forward to G.L.O.W. tonight. 4th through 6th Grade Meet at the church at 6:30 PM. Be sure to eat dinner before you come to the lock-in. Bring some clothes to sleep in and a sleeping bag or something to sleep on in. Bring a Bible and a friend. And come to have fun. We were dismissed tomorrow Saturday at 12 PM 1st through 3rd meet at the church at nine have breakfast before you come. Bring a Bible and a friend. Will be dismissed at 12 PM

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Looking forward to G.L.O.W. Tonight. Fourth through sixth graders should arrive at the church at 6:30 PM tonight. We sure to eat dinner and bring sleeping clothes and something to sleep in or on. We will be in the retreat for fourth through sixth graders on Saturday at 12:00 PM. Praying a Bible and a friend. First through third graders should join us at the church on Saturday at 9 o'clock and should be picked up at 12 PM. Bring a Bible and a friend

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G.L.O.W: The Bible helps us GROW, LEARN, OBEY & WITNESS I am excited about our upcoming opportunity for the children of Ash Creek Baptist Church. Do you feel like your children are in a rut? Are they doing the same old things every weekend? Would you like some time of solitude while you kids are involved in a worry free, fun filled GOD centered event? Well…have I got the event for you. Join ACBC as we discover how to use G.L.O.W. There will be music, games, videos, food, games, fellowship, and more games as we discover how to glow for God. (Hey did I mention there will be fun and games! On February 3rd 4th -6th Grade: February 3rd at 6:30pm – February 4th at 12:00pm 1. Bible 2. A friend 3. Permission slip – if not already turned in 4. Bring sleeping bag or other form of sleeping apparatus 5. Toiletries – tooth brush, toothpaste, deodorant, brush or comb, etc… 6. Something to sleep in- P.J., shorts and T-shirt etc… 1st-3rd Grade: February 4th from 9:00am- 12:00pm 1. Bible

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G.L.O.W: The Bible helps us GROW, LEARN, OBEY & WITNESS I am excited about our upcoming opportunity for the children of Ash Creek Baptist Church. Do you feel like your children are in a rut? Are they doing the same old things every weekend? Would you like some time of solitude while you kids are involved in a worry free, fun filled GOD centered event? Well…have I got the event for you. Join ACBC as we discover how to use G.L.O.W. There will be music, games, videos, food, games, fellowship, and more games as we discover how to glow for God. (Hey did I mention there will be fun and games! On February 3rd 4th -6th Grade: February 3rd at 6:30pm – February 4th at 12:00pm 1. Bible 2. A friend 3. Permission slip – if not already turned in 4. Bring sleeping bag or other form of sleeping apparatus 5. Toiletries – tooth brush, toothpaste, deodorant, brush or comb, etc… 6. Something to sleep in- P.J., shorts and T-shirt etc… 1st-3rd Grade: February 4th from 9:00am- 12:00pm 1. Bible

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Just a reminder that Sunday January 29 is High Attendance Sunday. It will be a special in the Children's Department. It would be a great day to bring along a friend for Sunday School and Worshiop. A light breakfast will be served in the classess. Looking forward to seeing you at Church on Sunday

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Just a reminder that Sunday January 29 is High Attendance Sunday. It will be a special in the Children's Department. It would be a great day to bring along a friend for Sunday School and Worshiop. A light breakfast will be served in the classess. Looking forward to seeing you at Church on Sunday

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Just a reminder that Sunday January 29th is High Attendance Sunday. It would be a great day for your children to invite friends to come with them to Sunday School and Worship. Children's Department will be providing a special snack on that morning. Look forward to seeing everyone Sunday.

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Fall Fest is coming. Monday, October 31st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. This is our largest community ministry. Ash Creek really needs you help to pull this off. We still have several activities that do not have workers to man them. We all need more candy and REALLY need orange Oreos. Sunday is the last day to donate these items.

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Photos from Ash Creek Baptist Church Children's Department's post

The RA's in GA's had a great time showing their love for others by helping Susan Ellzey prepare the shoes collected for delivery

Photos from Ash Creek Baptist Church Children's Department's post

Photos from Ash Creek Baptist Church Children's Department's post

Going to heights with Jenga on Wednesday night. The rain did not dampen our fun

Photos from Ash Creek Baptist Church Children's Department's post


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