Welcome Center of Austin
Multicultural center that welcomes newcomers, supports them in their transition into our community, & creates access and opportunities for self-sufficiency The Welcome Center provides services for newcomers, agencies, and the community through four programs:
Economic Self-Sufficiency programming helps newcomers acquire the skills necessary to secure gainful employment, manage finances, and become homeowners. Staff work in partnership with other community programs to offer classes/workshops and one on one support in the areas of financial literacy, job skills, computer/internet training and other topics. Partners include: University of Minnesota Extension and Three Rivers Community Action.
Advocacy and Client Services connects clients with necessary community resources to address medical, social, community,legal, financial, educational, employment and other needs. Services and referrals include a brief assessment of immediate needs, followed by referral and assistance in obtaining the resources to meet them. Services include interpreting and translating, housing and employment support, and computer access. Translation/Interpreting services include document translation, sight translation, letter writing, interpreting for appointments, and making calls on behalf of limited and non-English speaking clients. When the needs identified are not provided by the Welcome Center, referrals to other organizations are provided.
Refugee Social Services serves to provide our Karen/Karenni/Burmese population with transitional, social and emotional support. The Karen Social Services Coordinator serves as the community liaison and case manager by meeting one-on-one with youth, parents, and families to help them assess their needs, match and/or refer them to various community services and programs; organize and oversee several services and programs that will be offered on-site, including youth, parent, and family support groups (parent and family skills training; family support services); and providing translating and interpretation services as needed.
Refugee Employment Services exists to provide refugees with employment support and opportunities. Our culturally diverse staff is highly trained and ready to serve the refugee community. We focus on refugees who have been living in the U.S.A for less that 5 years who are on either MFIP, RCA, or NPA. We offer one-to-one job training, placement, coaching and counseling and help clients overcome employment barriers identified in their employment plan.
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El Consulado Móvil estara en Austin el Sabado, 17 de junio de 9am - 2pm en el colegio Riverland. Se solicita atentamente hacer cita para el trámite de pasaporte y matrícula consular 1-877-639-4835.
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Home Stretch class this Saturday, May 6th from 8:30am - 5pm at the Welcome Center. If you are interested in signing up for the class, contact Dora Martinez at 434-2863. ***FYI: There won't be another class until after July 2017.***
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Taste of Nations this Saturday from 11:30am - 1:30pm at the El Parral Ballroom. Free and open to everyone.
Community Conversation- Building A More Inclusive Community
Come join us tonight.
Executive Director - Job Posting
We are hiring! Interested candidates can download the application and job description from our website: http://www.austinwelcomecenter.org/employment.html
Please join us at our OPEN HOUSE today from 4pm - 6pm. Light refreshments available. Come see our new space and meet the staff. Our new address: 111 N. Main St - Austin, MN.
Austin Public Schools
The Karenni community will be celebrating their Dee Ku festival this weekend, beginning Saturday at 10:00 AM at Todd Park. A soccer tournament will follow on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Open to all members of the community.
You are invited to our OPEN HOUSE scheduled for Friday September 23, 2016 from 4pm - 6pm as part of Austin's Welcoming Week. Come meet the staff and see our new space. Our address is 111 N Main St Austin, MN.
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Hormel Foods will be accepting applications next week September 12 - 16. Applications will be available at the Austin Workforce Development, Inc. office.
The Karen Community of Austin and Albert Lea invite you all to the 66th Memorial Karen National Martyr's Day and Wrist Tying Ceremony this Saturday (Aug 27) at Austin High School from 8am - 12pm. On August 28, the celebration will continue at Todd Park with a volleyball, soccer, and takraw tournament. Free and open to everyone.
A Community Conversation On Poverty
A community conversation on poverty scheduled tonight at 6:30pm at the Hormel Historic Home.