Backstage at The Riverfront Playhouse
Welcome to the page for all that is going on backstage at the Riverfront Playhouse. This page is for those interested in set building and assisting with productions. If you want to help out this is the place for you.
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What happens when you have a park bench but it's smaller than you remember? You replace the slats with new/longer ones and then add a little wax and some brown paint-wash... "The Man with the Plastic Sandwich" opens Friday!!
A non theater cool thing for anyone around Aurora. Go outside about 9:20 if the sky is clear. At 9:22 you should be able to see the Space Station come up out of the southern sky and head across to the east. With the sun just set it should be a bright dot moving pretty quickly. It will pass again tomorrow at 10:04 directly over head. Ok, that is my geek message for the day.
Last night was a great show. A big thank you to the cast, crew, and audience for being there. During setup a gentleman asked us what we were doing. We told him we were setting up for a free performance of Shakespeare. He then asked why? I know why I love doing this. I was wondering how everybody else feels?
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The show is happening. Gray night and an even better show.
NEEDED: Stage prop for upcoming show at The Riverfront Playhouse...the sooner the better, show opens Friday! We are looking for a garbage can that looks like it belongs in a park. One of those "mesh" cans or something similar. Preferably one that doesn't smell like garbage or have critters/bugs living in it. Borrowing one rather than buying is ideal because those types of garbage cans are expensive and we would return it after the run of the show. If anyone can help out please let us know.
In case you weren't paying attention to the main page we are doing a show outside in the park down the mall. I know it's hot and humid but with some luck a small fast moving storm will blow thru, cool things off, and water the plants. Bring a chair and sit back and enjoy the show. "Curtain" is 7pm.
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Brunch is served!! (All from the Aurora Farmer's Market) Need fuel before we get to work making this place ready for visitors!
That was quick. I only spoke with Steve this morning. It's a good story and appreciate his words. Once we get the lease completed it would be nice to see what is possible. I don't hold much hope, there are lots of regulations and costs involved. Then again I never thought we could build a set with six doors! 😆
Photos from Backstage at The Riverfront Playhouse's post
Primed and painted!
Photos from Backstage at The Riverfront Playhouse's post
How do you turn pillars into trees?
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What strikes terror in a director? Actors learning the lines during the show!