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Bethany of Fox Valley UMC

2200 Ridge Ave, Aurora, United States
Church/religious organization



Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church is a community of diverse individuals, joined together in faith in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Our ministry is committed to the loving care, nurture, and education of all persons in



Come and Pack at FMSC.

Follower of Jesus II - Decision vs. Commitment Decision according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary means a choice that you make about something after thinking about it. Commitment means a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise. We can decide to be a follower of Jesus but until we commit our time and energy to do whatever it takes, we can't be a true disciple of Jesus. Commit to joining BFVUMC on Saturday, August 27 4:30-6:30 pm at Feed My Starving Children to provide food to those less fortunate than us. Sign up here: #BFVUMC Sam Park, Karen Sodlink D'Aversa, Shannon Dutton Webb, Kevin Webb, Jason Dornink, Kevin P. Collins

Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church


Want to be a good steward?? Share our FB page with your friends! Help Bethany of Fox Valley UMC get to 500 likes!! Also, join us for the 2nd in our sermon series "Followers of Jesus", tomorrow, 8/14 at 9:30 am #BFVUMC

To be a Disciple of Jesus, we are called to serve others - family, school, church and community. We are called to practice our faithful desires in our actions. Choose to listen to God's prompting, not to the random opinions of others. Remember to choose and choose wisely. Bethany of Fox Valley UMC has many opportunities to choose to faithfully serve others - Sunday School Teachers, Feed My Starving Children (8/27/16), Mission Trips, Crop Walk (9/18/16) and much more. Join us this Sunday and every Sunday at 9:30am to learn about opportunities to be faithfully committed. Bethany of Fox Valley UMC 2200 Ridge Ave, Aurora 6 week series: Follower of Jesus #BFVUMC

What kind of Christian are you? Are you a Fan or a Disciple? For spiritual growth, we must spend much time with Jesus having constant conversations. You are as close to God as you CHOOSE to be!! To answer these questions and more, visit: Bethany of Fox Valley UMC on Sundays 9:30am 6 week series: Follower of Jesus #BFVUMC

Pokestop and Gym at Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church! Catch 'em all outside; Find Jesus inside! 9:30am Sunday mornings!

Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church's cover photo

Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church's cover photo

Smilebox Playback

Bethany of Fox Valley's Youth working in God's Mission Field!! Thank you for all your prayers and support! Check out our video...

Say a prayer for Bethany of Fox Valley's Youth Mission Team, serving this week based from Plainfield!

Photos from Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church's post

Bethany's CaveQuest Vacation Bible School was a smashing success!!! Thanks to everyone who helped!

Photos from Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church's post

Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church's cover photo

Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church's cover photo

Timeline Photos

It is a statement of BFVUMC on what's happened at Dallas during the last week.

Timeline Photos
