Joel Lockwood, Liberty Mutual Insurance Agent
I am licensed to sell Auto, Home and Life insurance in ME. Please contact me for any of your personal insurance needs! Refer me to a friend!: Hello, my name is Joel Lockwood and my career with Liberty Mutual began in 2008. Here at Liberty Mutual we are committed to helping you find a comprehensive, cost-effective personal insurance program. Contact me to learn more about the many comprehensive and cost-effective insurance programs Liberty Mutual has to offer.
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facebook.com3 Questions to Ask When It Comes to Life Insurance | Life Happens
I Am a Life Insurance Policy I am a piece of paper, a drop of ink, and a few pennies of premium. I am a promise to pay. I help people see visions, dream dreams, and achieve economic immortality. I am education for the children. I am savings. I am property that increases in value from year to year. I lend money when you need it most, with no questions asked. I pay off mortgages so that the family can remain together in their own homes. I allow people to dare to live and to die responsibly. I create money where none existed before. I am the great emancipator from want. I guarantee the continuity of a business. I conserve the employer's investment. I am tangible evidence that a man is a good husband and father, and that a woman is a good wife and mother. I am a declaration of financial independence and economic freedom. I am the difference between an old man or woman and an elderly gentlemen or lady. I provide cash if illness, injury, old age, or death cuts off the breadwinner's income. I am the only thing that can be bought on the installment plan that a family doesn't have to finish paying for. I am protected by laws that prevent creditors from assessing the money I give to loved ones. I bring dignity, peace of mind, and security to the family. I supply investment capital that makes the wheels turn and the motors hum. I guarantee the financial ability to have happy holidays and the laughter of children—even though father or mother is not there. I am the guardian angel of the home. I am life insurance.
I have 5 $15 gift cards 💳 to give out. Target, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Wal Mart and Hannaford. An auto insurance quote gets you the gift card. Comment or message me your phone number and where you want to card from. Only takes 5 minutes.
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So true.
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Ask me about this. An amazing product to give more to your loved ones or a charity.
If you or your spouse were to pass away today, would your family be able to maintain the same lifestyle they have now financially speaking? Life insurance is not fun to talk about but it is easier and more affordable than ever to get it in place and protect your family. Let me take a few minutes of your time to make sure your loved ones are protected. PM, comment, email or like and we will set up a time.
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You could be approved for Life Insurance in less time than it takes to warm up your day.
5 reasons why renters need insurance
If you’re a renter, check out these five important reasons why you should have Renter’s Insurance:
Life Insurance Made Easy
Here’s a great article that discusses the importance of life insurance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
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Here’s a #MotivationalMonday quote to get your week started.
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year everyone!