Auburn YMCA
Mission Statement: The YMCA puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. The YMCA is for Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility.
Please do not park in the Professional Building or Westminster Church lots. Owner's have informed us they will tow. Parking is available in the municipal garage; metered parking is available on William Street and Court Street until 5:00 pm, with free parking after 5:00 pm and on weekends! Thank you!
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facebook.comCheck out these Wellness/Nutrition programs the Auburn Y is hosting!!!
YMCA Downtown Mile off and running!
YMCA Auburn Pulsars getting ready for the Y Downtown mile! #healthykids.
Due to the weather, Aqua Zumba is canceled for tonight, 8/24!
YMCA + Basketball = 60 kids learning, playing, meeting new friends, exercising and having fun! #basketballYinvention#1891 #DrNaismith
Labor Day and Fall Hours: NEW Sunday hours!!!! The Y will be closed Saturday, Sept. 2, Sunday Sept. 3 and Monday Sept. 4 in observance of Labor Day. The Y will re-open in Tuesday, Sept. 5 with fall hours: Mon-Fri.-5:00am-9:30pm Sat. 6:00am-7:00pm and Sunday 7:00am-4:00pm
Active Physical Therapy Solutions Presents the YMCA Downtown Auburn Mile. Run is for both competitive, recreational runners & families with children of all ages, strollers welcome. This is a one mile route. Fee: $12 advanced registration, $20 race day registration. To register go to Music by Mere Mortal's is sponsored by Auburn B.I.D. A big thank you to all of our sponsors: Active Physical Therapy Solutions, Empower Federal Credit Union, Tompkins Trust Company, Wegmans, A.T. Walley & CO and NUCOR. All participants receive a t-shirt, beverage & hotdog!
Fun for them, piece of mind for you! Register today for our YMCA Before & After School Programs!
Sign up for our Learn & Play sports program this Fall!
Our new swim lessons are focused on: rolling onto the back ( or swim-float-swim which is similar to their second skill). We also stress jump-push (off the bottom if they can touch)- turn- grab (the wall). Our infant classes will focus more on safety than before too by encouraging the same skills with adults aiding them plus "wall walking or pulling themselves along the side of a pool, and climbing out of a pool. Register your child for swim lessons at the Auburn YMCA today!
YMCA Basketball Camp!!! Learn by playing!