Art In Heaven Custom Shirts and Decals
Art in Heaven started as an idea; a belief that we are responsible for expressing what we believe. We BELIEVE in Jesus Christ. & We BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is LOVE. What do YOU BELIEVE? Tell us how we can help you express your beliefs.
As one under God, my wife & I, choose to reflect our beliefs.
Our lives are fragile, as we know too well. Our own way has led us into bondage & darkness.
It wasn't until we accepted Jesus Christ into our lives were we able to see a future.
Giving ALL things to Our Father, and in return, He gave us a new life. Many people remember
our lifestyle before Jesus...and those same people have witnessed what God has done. We want to express Gods
love for us in any way possible. Art in Heaven is our way of following God's will, and at the same time promoting
the love that He has for each and everyone of us. If there is anyone out there suffering; anyone broken; afraid...
remember that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. The phone number listed on this site is
available 24 hours a day. You can call that number even if it is just to talk or you need someone to pray with.
Good Bye & God Bless.
P.S. Trust in the "gut feelings" or as we call it, the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It will never steer you wrong.
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facebook.comLETS CELEBRATE!! Today is a day to reflect on Freedom... A lot of my friends and family would agree that Freedom is a wonderful thing... Something we take for granted tho. The Freedom to eat when u want- the Freedom to go where u want- the Freedom to choose is such an underrated luxury we have... And we rarely acknowledge how lucky we are..... Until it's taken from us that is. Actually, it's not taken at all- we give our Freeom away... Sadly enough.. Today tho we celebrate TRUE FREEDOM! FREEDOM THAT CAN NEVER BE TAKEN OR FORFEITED- Freedom that will ALWAYS be ours! JESUS CHRIST GAVE HIS OWN LIFE for each of us- and in the most horrific way you can imagine... And it was by CHOICE! He knew what He had to do and He could've stopped it anytime. He CHOSE to be beaten... For me... He chose to be Crucified..... For you... And He Loved us all that much.. We are REDEEMED! THANK YOU JESUS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE! I Celebrate Your Life Your Death- and PRAISE GOD- YOUR RETURN FROM HELL AND YOUR EVERLASTING AUTHORITY. THANK YOU FOR TAKING IT BACK FROM SATAN- HELP ME TO BE LIKE YOU JESUS! I love you!
I just wanted to say that God is such a Loving God!! I know everyone does not go to church every Sunday....But we all need to get there this weekend... It is as significant as anything else you are doing I promise you that. Give Your Creator an hour of your time- It may change your entire LIFE.... speaking of LIFE- for those in Athens, (or nearby) Life Fellowship is a great place to go... especially this weekend... there will be several services and that in itself will make it real hard to find an excuse not to go... See you there!!!! GB
Hey babe- everything ok? How's your belly? Babies? Love you!
I would like to say Thank You All!! For The LIKES and all the SHARES... I know Our Father has His Hands in everything- and we are so Grayeful to Him! Glory Be To The One True Mr. Biggs!! Thank You Jesus! And thank you all! GB
Art In Heaven Custom Shirts and Decals
We have the AUTHORITY. That is what we will use. Just like the police have the authority to pull u over- we can put satan in the back seat handcuffed and shackled and completely harmless!! Glory to The Father and His Son. Holy Spirit Your Up! Together we can watch him close.. We can prepare for his attacks and we prepare with Gods Word.. We can literally use the AUTHORITY that Jesus Christ used against satan.. We have inherited that Authority when We gave our lives to Him. God cast down satan -to this earth, and as a serpent he creeps all over spreading evil and causing strife. But when God Created Man and Woman- in His Image- He said that we will have Dominion and rule over all things of the earth... Including serpents. Glory to God. We have got to wake up!
Timeline Photos
Latest Decal: 2/20/2017 GOD IS KING- indeed.
Father Daughter Dance! Joe and Jolie Timmons & Brian and Lilyana Murphy.... These girls are Beautiful!!
Hey my favorite day of the year is coming up in just a few weeks and we are getting ready- St. Patty's Day!! Stay tuned for all the Latest Designs... And don't forget your time is almost out for Valentines Day shirts- Couples Shirts for Married Couples .. Or couples period, are a great way to show the world who you Love and how much... Tic Toc- 6 days left
I must say... I was so tired when I woke up - I'm not even sure how I got dressed this morning- but on my way to work I was listening to a sermon and the sun is shining.. Weather is beautiful. The birds are singing just loud enough to hear above Joyce Meyer(she's awesome) and I can feel God in my soul.. I gotta tell ya- it feels very very peaceful...I am so grateful to My Father for the things He has done.. My life is better just because.... I gave it to Him! Praise God!
Art In Heaven Custom Shirts and Decals
Art In Heaven Custom Shirts and Decals
Time is running out... 9 Days Left till Valentines Day CHILDRENS & INFANTS T'S YOUTHS $15.00 UNLIMITED TEXT & COLOR INFANT $10.00 UNLIMITED TEXT & COLOR