Nathan C Niles, DDS
Highly energetic dental team providing top-notch services, including orthodontics!
Smiles are contagious...spread the word!
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Niles Family Dentistry does not recommend or endorse this! Lol #Gross
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We want to do our part to make your holiday season BRIGHT! We are offering 25% off in-office WHITENING through the end of the year!!! 3-5 shades BRIGHTER in 30 minutes!
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Dr.Niles office is wishing you a happy and safe Halloween! #bootiful #smilesbyniles
Nathan C Niles, DDS
HAPPY ARKALALAH!!!! Let the grazing begin!
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It's our favorite time of the year! Dr. Niles office wants to wish you a happy and safe Arkalalah! #smilesbyniles #arkalalah2016
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Some amazing women and a dentist work here! 😜 Way to go! #Bulldogproud
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APPRECIATION SPECIAL! We are truly thankful for our clients and would like to offer 50% off in-office whitening during the month of August to those that have had a check-up in the last 6 months(16+)! Call 442.2575 to schedule today...spots are filling up fast!!!
Nathan C Niles, DDS
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Oh my, this summer has flown by!!! It's time to get your smile ready for the new school year! Call 442.2575 and schedule your check up today!
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Happy Birthday Breanna! You are a great part of our team and thank you for always bringing your beautiful smile to work. #sheisfinally21 #smilesbyniles🎈🎉
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Dedication at its FINEST! These amazing ladies have spent the past 3 days in intense orthodontic training in Dallas! So thankful for their commitment to our patients and desire to always strive for the BEST!