Anderson Preparatory Academy
Free-tuition public school based in Anderson Indiana. Kindergarten - 12th Grade Public School with required Air Force JROTC program.
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APA eLearning Day, April 14, 2018 Welcome to APA’s first-ever eLearning Day! APA is very thankful to be approved by the Indiana Department of Education to offer this opportunity to our school. We are very excited to add this flexibility to our schedule and to have the opportunity to serve our students in a new way using the multitude of technological and digital resources we already have. As this is a new adventure in learning for all of us, we thank you in advance for your patience and feedback so that we can make this a wonderful tool for all of our students! Here are some brief “Need to Knows” for families and students. More information will be forthcoming in regards to our eLearning Day for your student(s). · eLearning Window: Wednesday, 4/11/18, - Tuesday, 4/17/18 Learning Modules/Projects/Experiential Learning will be posted to the blog on WEDNESDAY, 4/11/2018. This will allow students and families to ask their teachers for clarification, non-digital options, etc. ahead of time. Students may begin working on their assignments immediately. They do NOT have to wait until Saturday and are encouraged to begin early. eLearning Day is SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2018. o Students are NOT required to come on site on Saturday. o Teachers will be available through designated communication channels like email, Compass Messaging, Classroom Dojo, Remind, etc. during the hours of 9am – 12pm. o Each school will be open from 9am-12pm for students to access computer labs if needed. Students can access either building regardless if that is the one they attend. Students MUST be accompanied by an adult during this time period unless the student can drive him/herself. Students cannot be dropped off and then picked up later. o Most teachers will not be on-site during this time. Please contact them via the proper communication channels for assistance which will be listed on their blog. o Students who attend on-site do NOT need to stay from 9am – 12pm. They can arrive and leave as it is appropriate for them. o 22nd St. – Please enter at the doors by the fire station. You will need to sign in and then you will be escorted to your work area. o 29th St. – Please enter at the main entrance (29th & Meridian). You will need to sign in and then you will be escorted to your work area. o Uniform of the Day – uniform is not required. We do ask that students dress respectfully and appropriately. o APA Behavioral Expectations will be enforced at school. Students who fail to comply will be required to leave and will receive disciplinary action upon returning to school on Monday. o Cell phones WILL be permitted on campus during this time period. Learning Modules/Projects/Experiential Learning and eLearning Checklist will be due on TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2018. Each entity (Elementary, Pre-Academy, and Academy) will specify to whom work should be submitted and when it is specifically due when the window closes. If a student has questions that cannot be answered over the weekend or the week prior, students will still have Monday, April 18, 2018, to ask for clarification, etc. Students are highly encouraged to take advantage of the window to complete their assignments thoroughly and in a timely manner as well as to utilize all of their available resources (digital and human). Work for students with accommodations will already be prepared and issued. For extra assistance, families should contact their SSC teachers for further support. Additional support will be available during the 9am – 12pm timeframe on Saturday, April 14, 2018, as well as before and after school during the eLearning window. Please do not hesitate to contact Capt. Arnold, Lt. Renner, Lt. Bowyer, or Lt. McCullough for more information. More information regarding your student’s specific assignments, platforms, etc. will be forthcoming, and we will be reviewing all of this information with our students in class prior to the opening of the eLearning window. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do hesitate to contact your building administrator or myself ( We are all looking forward to working with the APA Family to bring this exciting program to our students! Commandant Barker
APA Prom Dress Policy
Anderson Preparatory Academy Dance Policy The following policies are designed to promote an environment in which all students and adults feel safe and comfortable. Enforcement of the dress and dance codes is at the discretion of attending Anderson Preparatory Academy staff and administration. Students and/or their guests in violation of the Anderson Preparatory Academy Dance Policy will be immediately removed from the dance and have their parents called, and will be prohibited from attending the next dance. • Doors will close one hour after the dance begins. • No student will be admitted past that time without prior permission from an administrator. • Students must remain at the dance until the end unless a parent comes in person inside to pick them up. • Students are to be in designated dance areas. • Students found outside of the designated areas will be escorted off school property and parents will be called. • Students are prohibited from sitting on each other’s laps. All regulations pertaining to student conduct in school are still in affect at dances. Anyone suspected of substance abuse or alcohol use will not be admitted, will be subject to disciplinary/police action and will be unable to attend the next dance. Searches of individuals will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that he/she has alcohol or drugs in possession. If a student is removed from the dance for inappropriate dancing, he/she will not be allowed to attend the next dance. Dancing Guidelines • No straddling legs • No excessive bending over • No touching of breasts, buttocks, or genitals • No “making out” (no overt and/or prolonged public displays of affection) • Both feet on the floor • Hands on waists or shoulders only • Students must be picked up 15 minutes after the dance ends or they will not be allowed to attend the next dance. • No guest over the age of 20 will be allowed into the dance. • Guests must complete a guest form with Lt. Armstrong at least TWO DAYS in advance. Dress Code Policy for Dances: Parents please take a look at your student’s attire prior to them leaving for a school dance or activity. Use the below listed dress code to make sure they are appropriately dressed. Ladies: • Dresses must be no shorter than 5 inches above the knee. • The tops of all dresses must fully cover the breast area. Excessive cleavage is not allowed. • V neck dresses must not plunge any deeper than the bottom of the bra line area. • Backless to waist is permitted – below waist is not permitted (opposite your belly button) • At no point on the dress should any part of the midriff be exposed. • Dress backs must not fall below the waist (not the hip bone). • Dresses may not have slits that go higher than 5 inches above the knee. • Jackets, sweaters or other garments may not be used to cover a dress which is inappropriate. • No pierced body parts are to be visible except the ear lobes. Gentlemen: • At formal and semi-formal dances including Prom and Homecoming gentlemen are expected to wear dress slacks, collared dress shirt, necktie (traditional or bow), dress shoes or boots. Please note: a suit or sport coat is neither required nor encouraged. • Collared shirt • Shirts must have sleeves • Shirts must remain on • No hats (at semi or formal dances), bandanas, chains The style of dance over the past few years has become a serious concern. Our goal is not to inhibit students' creativity but to bring acceptable decorum back to the dances. Dance appropriateness will be assessed by the staff during the dance. Established: 9/01/2017
Tristan Williams @APA was featured in the Herald Bulletin for his accomplishments in baseball at APA!
From The Pre-Academy The days/times for painting will only be 9-1 Wednesday and Thursday March 28th and 29th due to power washing of the restrooms now scheduled for Tuesday the 27th. Please come to the pre-academy entrance doors on Wednesday and Thursday for drop off and pick up. Contact Captain Arnold if you have questions: Thank you!
"Game Day" Still On For Thursday...Academy and Pre-Academy Cost $1: Wrist bands may be purchased on Thursday morning! When: Thursday – 3/22/18 Sponsored By: Game Club Theme: Game Day – You can wear clothing that is associated with some type of game. This includes: • Sports • Board/Card Games • Video Games Restrictions: • You can wear hats/headbands but no masks or anything that covers the face • No props allowed • Closely related to spirit wear in terms of appropriate clothing. No holes or revealing clothing etc. • You should know the rules by this time of the year. If you are worried about your outfit, ask Lt. Karr.
Link Crew: Connecting The 9th Grade To Upperclassmen
Elementary News 3/16
This year, during Spring Break, your help is needed to make a special project come to life. During APA’s break (March 26-29th) we are looking for volunteers and or donations to help re-create the Pre-Academy restrooms. URGENT-We are also in need of donations of paint and painting supplies, including the likes of paint brushes and rollers, painting trays and plastic tarp. CADETS—If you are able to volunteer your time, this will count as community service hours! Please contact Captain Cynthia Arnold at extension 4013, or at and let her know how you can help. Erin from GMACK Graphics has graciously offered to provide stencils and graphics as her contribution to our project. Thank you Erin and thank you to the GMACK team!
The Pre-Academy APA Jets Gazette Thanks Mr. Henry