Amherst Congregational United Church of Christ
Welcome to the Facebook home of the Amherst Congregational United Church of Christ! We are an inclusive and progressive faith community opening minds, nurturing hearts, and inspiring souls.
We live by love, for peace & justice, with joy.
If you are a "seeker," unsure of your faith stance, you will find your questions welcomed here. And you will be joined by others looking for spiritual truth and desiring to put their values into practice to help make the world a better place.
If you are a "seedling" Christian, you will find your faith nurtured here while you are encouraged to live out your faith in daily living.
If you are a "mature oak" Christian, you will be encouraged to share your witness and spiritual journey with others as we develop deep and long-lasting relationships with one another.
If you are agnostic, atheist, or an adherent of a different religious faith and need to find a place where you can share your spiritual experiences with others, work towards mutual understandings, and cultivate a character of compassion and a heart of justice-making with other like-minded persons in a supportive and encouraging spiritual family, then you will find here a home you may not have felt existed.
As you can see, we are not all alike here. And that is a good thing! We get to learn from one another's thoughts and experiences. We'd rather laugh together in our differences than sternly insist on uniformity.
We like to have fun! We see playfulness as necessary for spiritual health, and humor as its manifestation.
We like to learn together -- about our world, our faith perspectives, and each other. Creating mutual understanding and respect for a divergence of viewpoints helps us to see the sacred in others; and for them to see it in us as well. We trust that caring for one another in this way reveals more light to the world than exclusively thinking we're right and others are wrong.
This is a place to transform your spirit. We seek to see the beauty in one another, and inspire that beauty to shine forth. We are committed to the Golden Rule of treating others as we would want to be treated -- given the same circumstances. We want to develop our values in community with one another. We yearn to cultivate virtues in ourselves and each other that not only are recognized as blessings to ourselves but also to others. Random acts of kindness, intentional practices of peace, and overflowing deeds of compassion are how we live out our faith.
We are not literalistic or dogmatic in our approach to sacred writings, but want to broaden our minds and deepen our souls by seeing multivalent meanings that can be applied to our daily living. Jesus used parables, metaphors, and mytho-poetic language to describe his understandings of things; so why shouldn't we?
Tell your friends
facebook.comJust a reminder that we will worship at First Congregational of Lorain (corner of 4th Street and Washington Avenue) this morning at 10:30am.
Just a reminder that we will worship at First Congregational of Lorain (corner of 4th Street and Washington Avenue) this Sunday at 10:30am.
We extend our Christian sympathy to Sandy Lambright and family on the death of Sandy's brother, Larry Dillman. If you would like to send Sandy an expression of sympathy but need her address, please call the church office at 440.988.9148. We give thanks for the life of Larry, and rejoice that he is experiencing the promise of resurrection.
It's a merger!!!!!!!
New Pastor's Blog is posted at
Timeline Photos
Calling all golfers, don't miss the Love INC Golf Outing!
George and Jeanette Bita are in need of having a few trees trimmed. Is anyone from our church family able to assist or knows of someone who can? Please contact @Emily Herrmann 440.935.3664 or the church office for more info.
Thank you so much for the overwhelming amount of donations received for the Blessing Bags Ministry!! We truly appreciate your generosity and support. We really couldn't do what we do without our amazing church families coming together as a team and doing God's work. So thank you. Keep spreading His Love. ❤❤❤
Timeline Photos
Last Call for Mom Photos! Send us a picture of your mom along with three words that describe her so we may honor her during our service on Sunday! Send to
Timeline Photos
We were grateful for the Word of God brought to us through Jay Eastman this morning ... 95 years to the day after his great grandfather first preached from the same pulpit.
We are pleased to announce ACUCC voted 85-0 to merge; Lorain voted 71-12 to merge. The merger is now official!
On May 7, 1922, the Rev. Finley Eugene Eastman, pastor emeritus, preached the first sermon of his thirteen-year pastorate with this congregation. On the 95th anniversary of that event, we are pleased to welcome his great-grandson, Jay Finley Eastman, to his great-grandfather’s pulpit this Sunday. Jay graduated from Heidelberg College with a degree in religion, and pursued theological studies at Candler School of Theology and Methodist Theological School in Ohio before attending the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science and joining the Eastman family funeral home business. Jay, Sara and family reside in Wellington.
The Women & Children Housing Crisis Forum · The City Mission of Cleveland, Ohio
On Saturday, May 6, The City Mission will host a community forum on homelessness and poverty’s devastating impact on women and children. 9am – 12:30pm at The City Mission’s main campus, 5310 Carnegie Ave. Register online at or call us at 216-431-3510.