Party on Broadway
Party on Broadway Create your own masterpiece with our wood and canvas projects. We offer individual classes and group parties for adults and children. We are both a retail shop, where you can come in and create and a mobile art studio.
We also sell unfinished wood projects that you can complete at home.
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facebook.comBirthday Party Fun. Lots of creativeness. Thank you for spending your birthday getting crafty with us.
What a fun night of crafting. Our first snowman/scarecrows of the Season and check out the campers. Love the creativity. Thank you ladies for choosing Party On Broadway.
Are you looking for a fundraiser? Party On Broadway will donate 50% back on your Canvas Party sales when you have 30 or more people in attendance. Shown below are some canvas options you could choose from. It's super easy. Call us today to book your Fall Fundraiser. 314-795-9003 Vickie Henke Hopkins
Anyone interested in doing an open group night this Wed or Thursday? Canvas projects or wood items can be chosen?
What a fun day. Party On Broadway was out in the community face painting today. Even though I was volunteering, I still very much enjoyed the event. I loved seeing the community attending this event at Alton Amphitheater brought to you by Alton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau and other sponsors. It was lots of family Fun and it was awesome at how well behaved the attendees were. Those attending seemed to represent Alton well. Alton Parks and Recreation got to raise funds. Everyone kept them busy. Lunch from My Just Desserts was awesome as usual. Hope you all enjoyed. Where did you view the Solar Eclipse 2017? #visitalton #partyonbroadway #exploregreatrivers Vickie Henke Hopkins
Party On Broadway will be giving away some seats to an upcoming class at our Make-n-Take. Want to be a winner? Just be our 10th, 20th or 30th customer. 50th customer gets a seat for 2. To participate you must register in person tomorrow. We will have a table outside in front of Party On Broadway. No purchase is necessary but you must register. Can't participate in person. In the comments below tag a friend who has kids. One winner will be drawn for a seat in an upcoming class. Vickie Henke Hopkins
2017 Holiday Canvas Choices Which one will you paint? Create your own masterpiece by calling us at 314-795-9003 and we will schedule you a time, to get your party started. Host Incentives: 7 or more registered guests the host is 50% off. 10 or more registered guests the host is Free. View our calendar:
Let's play a little Party On Broadway trivia? Everyone who participates will be entered to win a $25 gift certificate. One entry for each question you answer. There will be 7 questions. What do you know about Party On Broadway? Drawing will be Sunday. Ready? Vickie Henke Hopkins
A few fun projects from tonight. Thank you for trying out some our fun Fall Projects.
Saturday 8/19 is Make n Take crafts at Party On Broadway. Join us as we create crafts on Broadway. We will be set-up outside weather permitting. Price includes all supplies. Call 314-795-9003 to preregister. Walk-ins welcome. There will be a variety of $5 crafts for kids. Adults can paint open stock items at 50% off We will also have specials and items in the sidewalk sale
2017 Fall Canvas Choices Which one will you paint? Create your own masterpiece by calling us at 314-795-9003 and we will schedule you a time, to get your party started. Host Incentives: 7 or more registered guests the host is 50% off. 10 or more registered guests the host is Free. View our calendar: Vickie Henke Hopkins