Desert Forge Foundation
Restoring emotional, mental, and physical health to returning veterans through meaningful job training, employment, and the arts.
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe will be accepting non-perishable food, clothes, water or any life essentials to ship to Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. Please come donate. I am my brothers keeper
PLEASE SHARE Desert Forge Foundation will be set up today in the parking lot of the old Hastings on Coors and Montano at 4:00pm taking in relief supplies for Puerto Rico. PLEASE come donate anything you can... water canned food, socks , blankets, clothing life essentials. I am my brothers keeper. #puertorico #relief #helpanotherhuman #bethechangeyouwanttoseeintheworld #jointogetherforgood
So here is a little rough edit of our Desert Fox Filmworks division of Desert Forge. We want to empower veterans. Help support us.
Train up your children to be lights in a dark world...