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Connect Church Albertville

550 AL-75, Albertville, United States
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Sunday, May 7, Connect Church :: YouVersion Event

Follow Pastor Dustin's sermon online!

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#ThisSunday at #ConnectChurch Albertville

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The Greatness of Our God “No sky contains, no doubt restrains, all you are. The greatness of our God.” Pain, loss, and doubt, are not mere possibilities for the serious disciple of Christ. They are absolute guarantees. Christ encouraged his disciples in the face of their ensuing hardships not by denying the reality of suffering, but by affirming His power and purposes in suffering. “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:23 Are you struggling to find rest? Are you in a deep valley with no end in sight, feeling apathetic and despondent? Are you up against a wall you can’t climb with faith waning, unable to see how things could ever change? Remember this: The greatness of your God. He has split seas, he tears and exalts nations, and he has conquered the full assault of Satan and death on the cross, purchasing our forgiveness. Nothing is impossible for him. No sky contains his fullness.� Jer 23:24: "Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD."� No doubt or fear can deter His resolve to rescue and redeem those He has chosen. 2 Tim 2:13: “If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.” And there is nothing that can ever separate us from His love for us in Christ.� Ever. Take heart. Jesus has overcome the world, and he will overcome our trials too. It is just a matter of time now. Rescue is coming. ‐ Tyler Miller, Vertical Church

I want to believe, but God is a killjoy.

Are you struggling to believe in God? Does it feel that God is a killjoy? In this week's sermon Pastor Dustin discusses this objection to belief in God. Have a listen here.

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Baby Dedication is May 14th at both campuses. Register by May 7th. Follow the link to sign up today:

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Sunday, April 30, Connect Church :: YouVersion Event

Follow along with Pastor Dustin's sermon notes on the YouVersion Bible app!

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#ThisSunday at #ConnectChurch Albertville! Join us as we begin part 2 of our series #IWantToBelieveBut... Invite a friend!!!

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We want to pray for you today! Hit "Like" if you have a prayer request, and "Love" if you have a praise!! If you'd like for us to pray for something specific in your life, email it to our Prayer Team at

Sunday, April 23, Connect Church :: YouVersion Event

Follow along with Pastor Dustin's sermon notes on the YouVersion Bible app!

I Want To Believe, But...

I Want To Believe, But...

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#ThisSunday at Connect Church Albertville! Come experience God's love for you this Sunday at 10am!

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