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Society Hall - Alamosa, CO

400 Ross Ave, Alamosa, United States
Non-Profit Organization



"We want to fill it up - fill up the room with people, with sound, with life and love and joy and all the good things that make life worth living..."
A group of like-minded folks have banded together to acquire & save this old church, and give it back to the community as an event center.

Concerts, plays, workshops, weddings, memorial services, meetings, film festivals {your idea here} - in an inviting, warm setting. Isn't it just beautiful? If you haven't yet, check out the gallery. We're going to need your help to finish our imagineering, though.

In the coming months, we'll be launching a capital campaign to help us finalize the purchase of the building. Additionally, we'll be looking at other sources to help fund the necessary projects to modernize the building and improve functionality. Yep, that's what we've imagined.


Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Don't cha know that's it's going to be a great night tonight?

Don't cha know that's it's going to be a great night tonight?

Photos from Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's post

The before and after of planting a tree at the Hall!! Thanks, Willie Wade.

Photos from Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's post

Raise the Roof Hamburger Fry (and Veggie Burgers, too)

It's time to celebrate our Patio, and you can help! It just seems like Sunday, before the Walt Wilkins Concert, would be a perfect time to sit out on the patio, enjoy a cold beer, have a burger, and visit with friends and supporters of the Hall! Suggested donations are $7.50 with all proceeds going to the Raise the Roof fund! Yes, we are raising $15,000.00-$20,000.00 (for a new roof) so that we can protect all that has been put into this wonderful venue! What a great...and easy way to help! We have some chairs, but feel free to bring your own. Did I mention fresh, homemade Cheescake from Three Guys Farm--simply the best! Not free, but certainly worth $5.00--with toppings! Again...come celebrate, have a bite to eat, and then get your butt inside for the Walt Wilkins concert--tickets $15.00 if purchased in advance at, or at the Green Spot OR tickets are $20.00 at the door! Hope to see you Sunday! That's Willie Wade helping plant tree(s)--yahoo!! Might even have a bonfire after the show, who knows?

Raise the Roof Hamburger Fry (and Veggie Burgers, too)

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO

Walt Wilkins at Society Hall!

Society Hall, at 400 Ross Avenue in Alamosa, is proud to present Texas singer-songwriter Walt Wilkins in concert Sunday June 11th at 7:30 pm. Doors will open at 6:30. Tickets are $15.00 in advance, or $20.00 at the door, and are available online at, or in Alamosa at the Green Spot. (There's also a "Raise the Roof" burger fry before the concert, starting at 5:00pm - check out the Society Hall FB page for more info.) One of the most beloved, poetic and widely-known singer-songwriters from the great state of Texas is coming back to Society Hall for a solo show. Walt has played the hall twice as part of the Red River Songwriters Festival traveling show, and knocked everyone out with his voice, his performances, and his songs. A true troubadour, Walt’s songs evoke the deep mystery and wonder of love and life and all it holds, and celebrate the things that make it worthwhile. Society Hall board member Don Richmond says, “It’s a mystery to me why certain songs and performers reach inside your being and wake things up and stir things around, but I don’t know anyone who is a better practitioner of that art, and servant of that mystery, than Walt Wilkins. I’d drive a long way to see this man sing and play – don’t miss this show!” From Walt’s website - “I am fortunate that I play my songs across a wide region that is filled with folks who find comfort, enjoyment & meaning in coming out to listen to folks like myself. I am fortunate that enough folks come out, generally, that I can come back to those places and play my songs again. I am lucky, I think, that I knew my calling at an early age, and at one point in my life, I took the necessary steps to follow that calling out into the world. I am still learning how to listen to, and stay true to the voice, and true to the work I am given. I try not to take myself too seriously, but I do try to take seriously this work; this calling. I play some nights just me and my guitar, and some nights with my talented and funny wife, Tina. And some nights with the The Mystiqueros, a living art collective, a hill country jukebox, one of the bands on the bill in honky-tonk heaven. I drive, I play, I sleep and dream. I have had a fair share of songs recorded by other folks, which was my dream all along, and I have played shows with heroes & real poets & the deepest of cats. But I live for the gig tonight, and tomorrow. I am fortunate... and I hope to see you down this road.” The board of Society Hall, a 501c-3 non-profit organization, invites you to another wonderful musical evening with Walt Wilkins, Sunday, June 11th at 7:30 pm. Doors will open at 6:30. Tickets are $15.00 in advance, or $20.00 at the door, and are available online at, or in Alamosa at the Green Spot. Society Hall – Where Community Celebrates!

Walt Wilkins at Society Hall!

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Thank you Sweetwater String Band for a beautiful end to a wonderful evening!!

Thank you Sweetwater String Band for a beautiful end to a wonderful evening!!

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo

Society Hall - Alamosa, CO's cover photo
