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Bethany Assembly

580 Main St, Agawam, United States



Visit our website at for more information! Our roots go back to the year 1904-05 when Mabel Weaver, a consecrated servant of the Lord, built Peace Chapel at the corner of Springfield and Armory Streets in Springfield. It was an interdenominational work. Rev. A. B. Simpson, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, dedicated it to the Lord’s work. This early heritage destined the influence of the church around the world.

In the year 1919 Bethany Fellowship Chapel, as it was then named, became affiliated with the New England District of the Assemblies of God. There was a succession of preachers who ministered in the “Chapel” in those early years.

In the year 1924, the church became incorporated under the name of Bethany Pentecostal Church. The ministry of the church continued to bear a great influence for God. In 1954 the church changed its name to Bethany Assembly of God to conform to the denominational name.

Under the blessing of God, the leadership of our Head, Jesus Christ, and the enabling of the Holy Spirit, the church has continued to enjoy spiritual and physical growth. In the Springfield location the church entered into at least three major building programs during which the seating capacity was enlarged from 120 to 560.

As the Bethany family sought to fulfill their mission in today’s world; i.e., to minister unto the Lord, to minister unto the Church, and to minister unto the world, the growth and ministry of the church necessitated that we make room for God to do more through this body of believers.

On May 12, 1976, the congregation overwhelmingly voted to purchase the fifty-one acres upon which we are now located. Ground was broken on November 8, 1980, and the cornerstone was laid on November 6, 1982. The first service was held on Easter Sunday, April 3, 1983, and it was dedicated to the glory of God on May 29, 1983.

Continued growth required a second building project on our present site. The facility focuses on the needs of our youth and children providing them with an auditorium, nursery, and classrooms. Ground was broken on March 16, 1997, and the addition was dedicated on Easter Sunday, April 12, 1998 for the furtherance of the Kingdom.

The successive ministries of the following pastors and, should Jesus tarry, the future pastors, unite to raise up a mighty standard in these last days:
Rev. H.T. Carpenter    1922-1939
Rev. Wm. Belbin    1939-1943
Rev. V. Fredrickson    1943-1944
Rev. F.D. Eide    1944-1949
Rev. A.D. Skymer    1949-1953
Rev. D.W. Flower    1953-1965
Rev. E.B. Berkey    1965-1990
Rev. G.D. Cope    1990-2000
Dr. H. S. Ryan    2000-2004
Rev. Richard E. Adams    2004-Present


Leftover Monday - these are some thoughts that didn't make it into Sunday's message or which we ran out of time for!

Pastor Stephen will be live here on Facebook in 20 minutes with a few leftovers from yesterday's message about staying full of the Holy Spirit. Tune in if you can!

Convoy of Hope was a success in Springfield, Mass. on Saturday, August 19th, reaching thousands of people within the community! We hope every one of our “guests of honor”, as well as our volunteers, had a great day! God bless!!

Tomorrow, hope starts here in Springfield. Visit the Community Event for free food, groceries, health screenings and hope.

8000 Sandwiches need to be made TODAY for the incredible Convoy of Hope outreach. WE NEED YOU at Bethany AG TODAY - right NOW. The empty tables in this picture need workers this afternoon. Come as you are, leave when you must but come and spend a little time helping out.

The Holy Spirit is in believers to give victory over sin and make us like Jesus. Victory and Christlikeness are our prayer for you today!

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Get a family portrait taken at our Community Event on Saturday for free!

Are you or someone you know looking for employment? Stop by our career services tent at our Community Event this Saturday for help!

Chef Cindy is looking for help in making sandwiches in support of the Convoy of Hope. If you’re interested in helping out, please come by Bethany’s gym at noontime this coming Friday, August 18th. Please bring a baseball cap, if you have one. If not, hairnets will be supplied. Thank you!!

Volunteers! The rally is just days away. Be sure to check for more information.

We are only four days away from our Community Event! Join us for food, fun and hope.

Our friends at the @National Breast Cancer Foundation are providing help and hope to women in need at our Community Event this weekend!


NEAR Bethany Assembly