Johnston Elementary School
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facebook.comJohnston Prowl will be August 19, 5-6 pm. First day of school is August 21st. 7:15-7:40 Breakfast. All students eat FREE. 7:40 Students may enter classroom. 7:50 Tardy Bell 3:15 Dismissal Bell
Abilene Independent School District | CONNECT LEAD SUCCEED
New student and KG registration will be August 1, 11 am - 1 pm. You may also register online at Jaguar Prowl (aka Meet the Teacher), August 19, 5 - 6 pm.
Friday, May 24, is the last day of school! Although it’s the day of school, attendance is important. Early Release at 1 pm. Have a safe summer!
Reminder the Math Family Night is this evening, 5:30-7:00 pm. Come check out your students Leadership binder, learn a new math strategy. Hot dogs will be served under the pavilion after viewing your students work.
Brenda May, Johnston Jaguar alumni and owner of May Farms passed away. Brenda loved Johnston Elementary and always bragged that our students were ALWAYS the best behaved kiddos at May Farm. Thank you, Brenda, for your love of animals and serving the students of the Big Country!
Have a safe, fun-filled spring break! March 11-15!
Please remember to order your 2018-19 Yearbook.
Presidents’ Day- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS on Monday, February 18. Faculty/staff will have professional growth development that day. See you Tuesday, February 19th.
Johnston Elementary Faculty and Staff would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a safe holiday break! School resumes January 7th.
We hope your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Break, November 19-23.
Annual Update instruction cards were sent home with your student. Please log into your parental portal to complete this update by September 21st! If your student’s information/permissions are not updated, they will not be able to attend field trips. If you do not have a computer at home, please stop by the office between 9 am and 2 pm to use one of our computers. As always, please feel free to contact the office with any questions. 325-671-4845