Sambarca Football Schools
Football Skills classes in York for boys and girls aged 5-16. All children welcome. Our classes aim to improve technical ability, speed & ball confidence.
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facebook.comSambarca sessions are in the gym this week at Burnholme. We expect to be outside on Saturday at Huntington, and will keep you posted on Burnholme for next week - bring on the sun!
Happy to say Burnholme is now open and sessions are ON, as are all sessions at Huntington tomorrow. DH
Sorry for the short notice but CoYC have just informed me that Burnholme is closed today, therefore NO SAMBARCA tonight (Thursday). I will let everyone know about Friday as soon as I know what is happening. Derek.
Another one of our Reception year sessions, great kids who want to learn, keep it up! DH
Sambarca continues throughout half-term, with sessions tomorrow (10th) at Huntington, Monday to Friday at Burnholme and then back to Huntington next Saturday, these boys are ready....
Whilst it is sad when players leave us, we are always excited to see the new ones coming in to begin their journey through football with us. This week we have said goodbye to two fantastic boys as Dan & Cam have signed for Hull City & Scunthorpe Utd, we wish them well. The five new starters made a great impression in their first sessions, quickly getting up to speed and showing the potential to go on to become the quick thinking, fast footed players that Sambarca is known for. One or two spaces remain on Saturday at Huntington, contact Derek on 07906964202 for details.
Well done to Jake, Star Performer tonight! We practiced beating an opponent on both sides by using moves with both feet, well done to all! We have two spaces in this Reception session, contact Derek on 07906964202 for details.
Two excellent sessions tonight, to end a great week back at Burnholme, remember we are back at Huntington tomorrow (Sat 13th). After work I watched a junior team training nearby, U12s I think. They started in one long line taking turns to run some hurdles and followed that by running several laps of the pitch. This was followed by a very long explanation of the first "drill", by the time I left, 20 minutes into the session nobody had yet touched a ball. We do things differently at Sambarca, with every player having several hundred touches of the ball every session, good touches, under pressure, in tight areas with decisions to make every second. Most of our sessions are full but a few spaces remain. To find out more and why Sambarca can make a difference to every player contact Derek on 07906964202
Two excellent sessions tonight to complete a very good term, clear evidence of the technical and tactical progress the players have made through their hard work. A couple of weeks break to recharge the batteries and then back to it from Monday Jan 8th. Thank you for all the renewals, several sessions are already full for next term and we have lots if interest from those looking to join. Merry Christmas to all our wonderful players and their fantastic and supportive parents (& grandparents). DEREK
The deadline for renewing for next term is tomorrow so please let me know if you would like your space for next term, if you haven't already done so, to avoid missing out in the new year. Thanks!
Due to a closure of the site there will be no Sambarca tonight (Mon 13th) @ Burnholme. Sessions are on as usual the rest of the week. DH
Reminder that Sambarca sessions continue tomorrow (Sat 28th) and throughout next week including next Sat (4th). DH