York Roman Bath Museum
York Roman Bath Museum can be found under the Roman Bath Pub in St Sampson's Square, York, UK The Museum, which is under the Roman Bath Pub, York, centres around the Roman Military Bath Complex in the Legionary Fortress of Eboracum. There are displays, Roman kit to try on, information boards, and a shop.
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facebook.comThe Museum is *not* part of the York Residents Festival this coming Saturday and Sunday (27th-28th Jan). But we are part of YorkCard discounts which will get you into the Museum for half price all year round!
Once again, Kurt the archaeologist will be investigating the frigidarium. He will be cleaning up the remains so that he can begin to carefully record the area. Normal entrance fee applies
Once again, Kurt the archaeologist will be investigating the frigidarium. He will be cleaning up the remains so that he can begin to carefully record the area. Normal entrance fee applies
In this photo, the building on fire is the paint shop next to the Old Mail Coach Inn. It was this fire that led to the the Inn being rebuilt, and the legionary baths complex being discovered in 1930. Scan supplied by Ian Drake, from 'YORK 100 years in pictures' published by The Yorkshire Evening Press 0n January 20 1992.
A Roman 'Happy New Year' all the way from our friends at Vindolanda and us! Looking forward to meeting our visitors from 2nd January onward 👍❤️
To confirm: we'll be open on Sunday 11am-4pm, New Year's Eve. Closed on Monday New Year's Day. Open again on Tuesday 11am-4pm.
Found on Wednesday: a tile with a 'signature' on - the loop was made by drawing two fingers over wet clay before it was dried out and fired. Though called signatures, it's not certain what these markings were for. But the loop is the most common signature on the Museum's tiles. Perhaps it showed the tiles were made by a certain group of soldiers ...
We're open today until 4pm - come and say hello to John who will tell you all about how the Romans took their bath!
Io Saturnalia! to all our followers :D The photo is by Mark Carlin and shows the Saturnalia march in Deva (Chester). Our Museum Manager is the man to the right in the toga with a purple stripe This is to confirm the Museum's opening hours over the Christmas period: 25th December - Closed 26th December - Open 12-4pm 27th December - Open 11-4pm, with Archaeologists continuing to investigate the Frigidarium 28th-31st December - Open as usual 11-4pm 1st January - Closed 2nd January - Open as usual 11-4pm
We seem to be getting a lot of 'check-ins' during the evening! I think people are getting the Museum mixed up with the Roman Bath Inn above! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Roman-Bath/1121416234629418
You don't need the Tardis to go back in time - visit the Museum and you'll be carried back to Roman times! (Tardis seen in St Helen's Square, York, 15th December, but no Dr sighted)
More discoveries to be made!