Alcuin Lodge No. 6300 public page
Alcuin Lodge No 6300 in York is a designated Freemasons University Scheme Lodge & draw members from male students/staff of local colleges/universities. Alcuin Lodge No 6300 in York is a designated Freemasons University Lodge and is particularly interested in offering membership to all current and former students and staff of the Universities & Colleges situated around the city of York. Membership is open to all men aged 21 years and over who are of good standing and students over the age of 18 years
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Alcuin Lodge No. 6300 public page
23 Freemasons Offer A Look Inside The Secretive Society
This features interviews with Freemasons.
Zetland Lodge
Freshers’ Fair Visit Bears Fruit
Timeline Photos
Last night's starter at the festive board. Very nice.
Freemasonry Today
Timeline Photos
Well we had to mark Valentine's Day somehow.😂
What a cracked double passing. Both Lewis's, both nervous. But the difference was that one of the brothers passed tonight is Italian, thus he did his second degree, near word perfect in a foreign language. Well done brother!!
Two hours and 15 minutes till the lodge is tyled.
Masonic Charitable Foundation