Lanterna Mindfulness
Lanterna Mindfulness runs Mindfulness Courses for groups and individuals. Mindfulness can have benefits to your health and wellbeing. Mindfulness courses have gained increased recognition in recent years, with a growing body of research and evidence to support their benefits in helping people to reduce the effects of stress on our:
• Mind
• Body
• Relationships
• Lives
And help us to increase our ability to appreciate and enjoy life.
Mindfulness can be of help if you are feeling that life is:
• Moving too fast
• Your mind is all over the place, feeling scattered
• You would like to be able to slow down mental activity, and re-activity
Mindfulness can be of help by supporting you to be with your experience of life as it is, in the present moment, living life more fully, with a greater sense of ease and compassion.
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Good morning to you all, warmest wishes for this festive season. It has been a pleasure to meet with so many like minded people this year and I am very much looking forward to meeting with more of you interested in exploring Mindfulness in 2017. Here sits Stan the snow globe squirrel, allowing the snow storm in his globe to settle, being with himself in peace and kindness. Wishing you all some "Stan" moments at this time of year. Namaste, Samantha

Good Morning, Much gratitude to all those who attended Saturday's Intro to Mindfulness Sessions. It was lovely to meet you all, and for everyone's willingness to engage in the guided practices and the rich discussions that followed. Also for adventuring out in the wet and windy weather to join me :). I hope the sessions were experienced as interesting, enjoyable and informative. As shared yesterday, and on your leaflets, the next 8 week Mindfulness courses I will be running will start on: Monday 09/01/2017. Please do contact me to book your space or for further details. Warmest of wishes, Samantha
Good Evening, Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in tomorrow's (Sat 12/11/16) Introduction to Mindfulness sessions, both am and pm sessions are now fully booked. So I look forward to meeting with all those attending. Wishing you all a warm and peaceful night, Samantha :)
Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain
Channel 4 News
Good Morning, just to say I met Emma, one of the teachers in this clip at the Oxford Mindfulness Summer School (2016), she is an amazing lady and wonderful teacher. The Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) are doing a wonderful job, of rolling out Mindfulness programmes in schools for 7-11 year olds, named ,Paws b and .b for 11-18 year olds. I am certified to teach the .b programme. MiSP are at the forefront of the MYRIAD 7 year Project in conjunction with oxford, & Exeter Universities. So if anyone is interested learning more about the programmes or research , please visit :) Mindfulness In Schools - For the flourishing of young minds MINDFULNESSINSCHOOLS.ORG
Positive Parenting: Toddlers and Beyond

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Good Morning, in response to increasing interest in the introductory/taster sessions to Mindfulness meditation that I offer. I am delighted to be able to offer further introductory sessions (NO COST) on Sat 12/11/16 - Please see flyer for details. To book your space on one of the sessions or to discuss your interest, Please do contact me. Kind regards, Samantha

"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around us in awareness" , some hearfelt wisdom for humanity, shared by James Thurber (1894-1961), USA
Photos from Lanterna Meditation's post
Some Mindful moments of the senses, smell, warmth & comfort, sound & vision, and taste ... noticing the ordinary and extraordinary, in everyday :)....

Much gratitude to those of you who came to today's intro session on short notice. I hope your experience was enjoyable one and the information shared, was helpful. if you have any feedback you would like to share with me, please contact me. Also a big thank-you to all those who helped make today possible including Guildcare for supporting and providing me with the space to hold this session. Samantha :)
Access arrangements for this afternoon's session. Access to Methold House is at the back of the building today , located next to the car park, which has some maintenance work today. Doors open at 1.45pm, Nearest car park is Waitrose, which allows for 2 hours free parking, for customers. Looking forward to meeting with you all today. Samantha
Good Morning, If you feel you would like to come along to the mindfulness introductory session today 2-3pm, there are spaces available. You can be assured of a warm welcome and refreshments. Kind regards, Samantha :)