BBQ DORA Worksop
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Zapraszamy Kotlet pozarski 5.50 / Pozharshy Cutlet Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Filet z kurczaka / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Shoarma / Chicken Shoarma Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym 5.50 / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Krokiety ruskie 4.50 / Croquettes stuffed with cottage cheese, potatoes and onion Klopsiki w sosie pomidorowym 5.50 / Meatballs in Tomato sauce Burgers Tortilla Hot Dog Jumbo
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
Zapraszamy Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe z serem żółtym 5.50 / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Filet z kurczaka / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Shoarma 5.50 / Chicken Shoarma Mielone 5.50 / Minced Cutlets Burgers Hot Dog Jumbo Tortilla
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
Zapraszam Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Filet z kurczaka / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Shoarma 5.50 / Chicken Shoarma Pierogi ruskie 4.00 Tortilla Burger wolowy Hot dog Jumbo
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
Zapraszamy Zupa pomidorowa 2.50 / Tomato Soup Golonka 6.00/ Pork shank Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Shoarma / Chicken Shoarma Filet z kurczaka 5.50 / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym 5.50 / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Krokiety ruskie 4.50 / Croquettes stuffed with cottage cheese, potatoes and onion Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Gulasz z kaszą gryczaną / Stew with groats Tortilla sweet chili or garlic Burgers Hot Dog Jumbo
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
Zapraszamy Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Golonka 6.00 / Pork shank Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Kotleciki drobiowe z serem żółtym 5.50 / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym 5.50 / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Krokiety ruskie 4.50 Tortilla Burgery wołowe Hot Dog Jumbo
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
BBQ DORA. Tradycyjne Polskie potrawy. Naprzeciwko Banku Lloyds. BBQ DORA. Traditional Polish cuisine. Opposite Lloyds Bank. Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce 5.50 Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Krokiety z farszem ruskim 4.50 / Croquettes stuffed with cottage cheese, potatoes and onion Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Pierożki mięsne CHINKALI 5.50 Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Shoarma / Chicken Shoarma Filet z kurczaka / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Tortilla Hot Dog Jumbo Burgery wołowe
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
Zapraszamy Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Pierożki mięsne CHINKALI 5.50 Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Krokiety z farszem ruskim 4.50 / Croquettes stuffed with cottage cheese, potatoes and onion Shoarma / Chicken Shoarma Filet z kurczaka / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Tortilla Hot Dog Jumbo Burgery wołowe
Dzisiaj zamknięte. Zapraszamy w piątek.
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Zapraszamy na pierożki gruzińskie CHINKALI Golonka 5.50/ Shank Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe 5.50 / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Krokiety ruskie 4.50 / Croquettes stuffed with cottage cheese, potatoes and onion Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym 5.50 / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Shoarma / Chicken Shoarma Filet z kurczaka 5.50 / Chicken fillet Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Tortilla Hot Dog Jumbo
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
BBQ DORA.Zapraszamy na tradycyjne Polskie potrawy. Naprzeciwko Banku Lloyds. Tel:07490325201 Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 /Braised neck of pork with onion Kotleciki drobiowe 5.50 / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Kopytka z gulaszem 5.50 Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Shoarma 5.50 / Chicken Shoarma Placek po zbojnicku 5.50 / Potato pancake with pork stew Golonka 6.00/ Pork shank Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym 5.50 / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Klopsiki w sosie koperkowym 5.50 Tortilla 4.00 Burger 4.50 Hot dog Jumbo 3.00
Photos from BBQ DORA Worksop's post
Zapraszamy Kluski śląskie z gulaszem 5.50 / Silesian noodles with stew Kopytka z gulaszem 5.50 Schab w sosie pieczarkowo serowym 5.50 / Pork chop in mushroom and cheese sauce Duszona karkówka z cebulką 5.50 / Braised neck of pork with onion Schabowy 5.50 / Schnitzel Polędwiczki drobiowe 5.50 / Chicken tenderloin Shoarma 5.50 / Chicken Shoarma Kotleciki drobiowe z serem żółtym 5.50 / Cutlets of chicken with cheese and egg Pierogi ruskie 4.50 / Russian Dumplings Placek po węgiersku 5.50 / Potato pancake with pork stew Burgery wołowe 4.50 Tortilla sweet chili lub czosnkowa
BBQ DORA Worksop