Audrey Boyle Pilates
Working on body awareness and mind body connections. Classes run Orford Tues 9am, 6pm, 7.15pm and Wednesdays 9am,10.15am. Ufford Park Tues 1.15-2.15pm Pilates and posture for all ages to increase strength, flexibility, co-ordination, grace and flow
Tell your friends
Opening Hours
- Tuesday
- 09:00 - 19:15
- Wednesday
- 09:00 - 10:00
- Thursday
- 09:00 - 10:00
If you can, try going barefoot regularly at home and even extending the experience outdoors by wearing zero drop barefoot shoes
Strength for life
Now here's a challenge!
A brilliant effort this morning from all Orford Nia dancers! A total £250 raised for Ipswich Bus Shelter Project for local homeless people. A massive thankyou to everyone for being so supportive - including those who were unable to dance but donated anyway. Happy Christmas everyone!
Photos from Audrey Boyle Pilates's post
The spine cushion consignment has arrived! For those of you who ordered one, i shall bring them to class next week. If you would still like one, let me know. They are 100% close weave cotton in a variety of designs with organic (obvs) buckwheat husk filling. Wonderful to lie on to alleviate tightness in the spinal muscles.
The last Nia dance class of 2018 will be on Thursday 20 Dec. In keeping with tradition i will be donating the proceeds of this class to charity - this year it will be the Ipswich Bus Shelter Project for the homeless. Please do come along and bring a friend so we can raise as much as possible. The money raised will help ensure the full running of Tiffers bus (a converted double decker with beds, food, warmth and company). The Bus costs on average £10 per person per night to run. Here's what the charity say: "this covers the everyday essentials, fuel for the generator, gas for gas bottle, coal and wood for wood burner to keep us warm. It also covers the running costs of our mini bus which we use to take our residents to collect their daily medication from the pharmacy, to take them all to their individual appointments with other organisations which assist us on their forward journeys. The van is also used to collect donations and evening meals as required. It also doubles as our Mobile Outreach Centre in the evenings...providing Outreach services to those still on the streets. With warm clothing and shoes, toiletries, sleeping bags and blankets, coats, bags, warm snacks, hot drinks and fruit, and other snacks to last a day or two." Importantly Ipswich Bus Shelter project receives no government funding, or funding from any source other than public donation and fundraising: "It is vital we continuously campaign for our cause and raise as much awareness as possible....the basics such as bus maintenance, fuel, insurances and taxes etc are all very high costs so every penny which comes to us really does make such a difference."
BBC Two - Darcey Bussell: Dancing to Happiness
One to look out for Nia dancers!!
Bodyweight training for beginners with Dr. Ted Naiman, MD — Diet Doctor
This terms pilates is focussing on developing strength by using light weights and bodyweight. Some of Dr Naimen's basic exercises may be familiar to my classes! (please don't try all of these at home!) Check out his short video
Get on your mat: Why men should do Pilates
Great news! Certainly seeing number of chaps in my classes increase. Mind you I’d only have experienced students with excellent technique doing the exercises outlined in this article!
Saturated fat causes heart disease? Pure bollocks – Kendrick! - FOODMED.NET
Know your numbers. Get blood lipid tests done and keep copies of the result. Triglycerides are ones to keep below 1 (UK units). HDL (good cholesterol) over 1.6. How to lower TG? reduce refined (beige and white) carbs and that probably mean the wholegrains for some too. How to increase HDL? Eat saturated fat. Yes that's right. The latest blog from the indomitable Dr Malcolm Kendrick - aye it takes a Scot...!
So what is strength training NOT good for?!
Dr Aseem Malhotra on Twitter
Sarah Cox is on board! #70daysugarfreechallenge
Sign up to go ‘Sugar free for 70’ in ‘world first’ and celebrate 70th anniversary of the NHS
Anyone up for the 70 day sugar free challenge? The idea is to improve peoples health while reducing the burden of chronic disease for our NHS - who happens to be 70yrs old this year! Check out the initiative of Tameside hospital - wish it could be replicated in Ipswich!