James McCourt -Hidden Depths
Hidden Depths Coaching is designed for everyone from any background to unlock their potential and achieve their dreams. My name is James McCourt and I am the proud director of Hidden Depths Coaching. Most of us fail to ever tap into our hidden depths, sadly using only 30% of our true potential. And like so many of us, I too was guilty of this until the day I decided to change and went on an amazing five year journey towards my own personal development.
My coaching experience has taken me all around the world as far as Palm Springs. I gained most of my experience from attending Tony Robbins courses and I am now a fully qualified Life Coach. During my five years I learnt many techniques including; Emotional Freedom Techniques and a Reiki second degree. I was able to take on all this extra learning while working as a full time Group Service Manager in the motor industry as well as obtaining an exceptional level of fitness.
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facebook.comLighthouses don’t travel oceans looking for boats to save ... they simply stand shinning brightly 💎 If more people would make themselves a priority ... look after their own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being ... then they wouldn’t rely so much on others to make them feel good 😏 Being sick is different .... we all need support at times .. as no man is an island But most have nothing left because instead of filling their own tank up once in a while ... they gave their last to everyone else Good lesson to pass on to your children .... no point in let them carry the burden of what you may have had to sacrifice for them ... look after yourself more and teach them how to do the same ... life isn’t easy ... so some lessons in self care and resilience goes a long way ❤️ Set examples .... not warnings 👌 AWAKEN YOUR HIDDEN DEPTHS WITHIN - 2nd & 3rd Feb 2018 www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
Just because you don’t say much .... doesn’t mean you’re not paying attention.... Biggest waste of energy for me ... making someone else wrong so you can be right 🧐 The great Mark Twain once said beautifully ... never argue with an idiot ... they’ll take you down to their level and beat you with experience 🤷🏻♂️ Having a healthy chat with someone is great ... and you don’t have to be right all the time ... there’s always more perceptions to take onboard ... but if you waste a lot of energy convincing others of your own truth ... maybe it’s not fully integrating yet ... more inner work and self belief might be the answer ? You do You .... I’ll do me 💎 We’ve all earned the right to be our individually self ... and you shouldn’t have to convince your reasons for being that self 👌 You were born original ... don’t die a copy ❤️ Less outward convincing ... more inner realisations works better for me 🥋 Fancy finding some inner truthful answers ? AWAKEN YOUR HIDDEN DEPTHS WITHIN - 2nd & 3rd Feb 2018 BECOMING A BLACK BELT IN LIVING LIFE - 19th - 23rd March 2018 www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
Who’s your go to person ..... and I say person ... as it will never be more than a couple at best 💎 If you have to run your thoughts passed too many then there’s a good chance you’ve already surrendered to the opinion of others and abandoned your intuition 🙏 Most lose their own inspiration because before they acted it has to meet the approval of others Discovering a good shame buddy and You’ve cracked it They listen to your fears without judgment and I told you so They allow you to have another attempt at something you may have failed at in the past They never remind you of your past errors If they feel you are making a mistake they offer feedback but allow you to come to your own choices in life And no matter what you tell them it’s never met with “how could you have let this happen” it’s met with ..... “hey I feel you .... we’ll get through this” And if you can’t find this .... learn how to find it within yourself 100 people could see the same event and come up with a lot of different perceptions ... as it’s merely their reflection. And if they don’t handled their own well .. why would you leave them in charge of your choices ? Let’s find our own answers ❤️ AWAKEN YOUR HIDDEN DEPTHS WITHIN 2nd & 3rd Feb 2018 www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
Save the date : first ever men only talk 💎 Us men like to put things in a box in our minds ... serves us well for years just laughing everything off like nothing matters ... if you are like I used to be .. when the box lid opens and you have no experience in communication that can become the start of an internal nightmare which is often suppressed deeper with any addition we can get our hands on I’m here to help you understand what’s going on through my own personal experiences in life ❤️ There is answers ... there is another way Thursday 8th March (only open to 50) from 6pm - 7.30pm Top floor of Fraser’s Glasgow city centre Tickets will be available soon. www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
Toughest but best thing you’ll ever do ... take responsibility for everything 🙏 2 weeks tomorrow and the workshop is here .. secure your ticket www.hiddendepthscoaching.com Please like, share and tag a friend ❤️
Let’s go on a wee trip in your imagination 🤩 ... you were born this perfect little diamond ... full of appreciation for whatever surroundings you were born into .. as soon as you could walk you wanted to explore as freedom was so important even as a kid ... one day you own your name and felt empowered by it ... you loved yourself for the individual self that you are 💎 Being 5 was so cool ❤️ Then bit by bit you let other characters chip away at these core emotions ... you probably starting comparing yourself and lost that individual spark ... maybe after a while you didn’t feel empowered to make your own choices in life 🤷🏻♂️ ... and from here the self judgment takes away all your freedom and an over thinker was born ... and last of all you stop appreciating yourself 😏 this ringing any truths with you ? Maybe we have given up the right to be ourselves long before we logically understood what we were doing .... But we can claim it back ... and when achieved you’re very fussy about what characters you allow in your space again Fancy unlocking your diamond ? 💎💎💎 AWAKEN YOUR HIDDEN DEPTHS WITHIN - 2nd & 3rd Feb 2018 BECOME A BLACK BELT IN LIVING LIFE - 19th - 23rd March www.hiddendepthscoaching.com Admit it ... it would be amazing to be that free again ❤️
When your vision becomes a reality! What do you think of our brand evolution? 💎
Exciting times ahead! 💎💎