St. Josephs Catholic Primary School
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facebook.comPlease visit St Joseph’s calendar page to see up coming events. The Clonter event has been recently updated. Please click the coloured block for more information about this visit.
We are taking part in the 100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge - a national reading initiative from education charity Achievement for All. Beginning on World Book Day (Thursday 1st March 2018) all children and young people involved in the challenge will try to collectively read for 100 million minutes! Find out how you can help eradicate child illiteracy and brighten futures at 1. Record every 10 minutes you read in your reading record. 2. Tick off each 10 minutes against your name on the class record sheet. Which children will read the most? Which class will clock up the most minutes reading? The competition ends on Thursday 29th March 2018.
Don't forget to book your slot for an appointment for Reception Parent meetings this Wednesday. If you have any issues booking a slot speak to Mrs Burkey or Miss Fox and we can book for you.
Don't forget to book your slot for an appointment for Reception Parent meetings this Wednesday. If you have any issues booking a slot speak to Mrs Burkey or Miss Fox and we can book for you.
Over the last few weeks the Digital Leaders have been working very hard to put together a bid for funding for Virtual Reality Goggles. Check out our bid and pass it on to your friends and family. We only have 19 days to reach our target!
Meet Casserole and Pie! They have settled in well and are off to see the vet on Friday for a health check.
Remember it is non-uniform day on Friday. Wear your own clothes and bring an Easter egg to school. 🍫🥚🐣
Don’t forget to bring your ticket along to the nativity on Tuesday and Wednesday. No ticket, no entrance!
Thank you to all our EYFS parents for their patience this evening whilst waiting for the children to return from the pantomime. It was the result of a sequence of events that were all out of our control.
Don’t forget to join us for our Advent Service on Thursday 30th November at 9.15am.
Quiz and Chips was a great success! Lots of laughter, competitive banter and no falling out. Well done Quizzee Rascals on your victory. Thank you to The Friends of St Joseph’s PTA for organising the event. 😊
She may have moved on to secondary school but Ella McGuinness has had a book published on Kindle! An extremely talented writer - well done Ella, we are exceptionally proud of you. Don’t forget us when you are rich and famous. ☺️xx