Reflection Aesthetics and Laser Clinic
Nurse with 13 years experience in giving injectables. Now specialising in Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle reducing treatment, Derma-planing, Micro-Needling. Nurse with 13 years experience in giving injectables. Now specialising in Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle reducing treatment, Derma-planing, Micro-Needling.
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facebook.comLast chance to book in or the Luxury Faith Lift Facial before the price increases again. Here’s what’s left: Tuesday 1st May 10am/1pm Saturday 5th 9.15am/12pm/1pm
Well it’s just me today..... girls I don’t like working alone!! Gemma Louise Harris Rachel Mears-Güzel and shannon!! God I need my neck botoxing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Evenings slots available for next Thursday 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
IF YOU want to reverse the ageing process, you could give smothering yourself in blood a try. The cosmetic procedure, which has been nicknamed the 'vampire facial', was made famous by Kim Kardashian. But what is it and how does it work? The 'proper' name for a vampire facial is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy In PRP, a needle is used to draw blood from the client's arm. The blood is then spun in a machine, to remove the platelets. The plasma from the blood is extracted, and spattered on the client's face using tiny acupuncture-style needles to rejuvenate their face. Benefits: Improve the appearance of wrinkles, scars and stretch marks Rejuvenate the under-eye area Tighten stubborn open poors Plump and volumise any area (e.g. cheeks) where someone might otherwise get fillers. Just £175 per treatment. X3 recommended monthly and one at 6 and 12 months as a top up.
Ladies... please do your research when having lip fillers! This lovely lady came to me today for filler after being botched by another company leaving lumps of filler in the lips. The filler was injected too superficially which meant the skin had to be pricked and squeezed out!! If it sounds to good to be true.... it usually is! Don’t have these cheap fillers injected into your faces.....
So here’s Mays special offer....normally £170 For MAY only £70!! First of the epidermis with a deep exfoliation with microdermabrasion, followed by a treatment with the Dermaroller. Dermaroller works on the dermis where the skins collagen and elastin are found. Causing trauma to the skin causes the skins natural regeneration process to activate. Growth factors are released and new cells are produced. Finish off with the Opera LED mask. LED phototherapy benefits the skin in many ways including: skin tightening, toning, wrinkle reduction, skin healing, acne treatment, improves blood circulation, anti microbial.
All gone!!!! No availability with Heather until Monday 30th 😬😬
Thread course completed!! More information to follow, prices, etc xx
Heather is full next week.... Rachels availability: for Microdermabrasion £40 or our Faith Lift Facial £60 Tuesday 11am/12pm Wednesday 5pm/8pm Friday 12pm/2pm